看图例学PC Tools 9.x【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 洪锦魁编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
- ISBN:7302017735
- 出版时间:1995
- 标注页数:371页
- 文件大小:11MB
- 文件页数:385页
- 主题词:
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第零章 磁盘与存储器的结构与管理1
0-1 软盘1
0-2 逻辑扇区与物理扇区3
0-3 硬盘5
0-4 簇的定义5
0-5 引导扇区8
0-6 FAT的基本定义11
0-8 目录、簇和FAT的综合说明12
0-7 目录的基本定义12
0-9 存储器基本定义18
第一章 PC Tools概论21
1-1 PC Tools简介21
1-2 PC Tools的启动与退出22
1-2-1 启动PC Tools22
1-2-2 PC Tools屏幕简介26
1-2-3 退出PC Tools29
1-2-4 启动与退出PC Tools常驻程序30
1-3 鼠标用户31
1-4 控制盒33
1-4-1 Version34
1-4-2 Move36
1-4-3 Size36
1-4-4 Maximize37
1-4-5 Restore37
1-4-6 Close37
第二章 PC Tools的功能键38
2-1 切换键Tab38
2-2 更改当前工作磁盘40
2-3 帮助键F1 Help41
2-4 功能键F2 Qview43
2-5 功能键F3 Exit47
2-6 功能键F4 Desel48
2-7 功能键F5 Copy50
2-8 功能键F6 Display51
2-9 功能键F7 Locate53
2-10 功能键F8 Zoom56
2-11 功能键F9 Select57
2-12 功能键F10 Menu58
2-13 功能键F11 Edit File68
2-14 功能键F12 Launch76
2-15 Esc键77
2-15-1 情况177
2-15-2 情况277
2-16 Alt键79
2-17 特殊显示字符的使用80
第三章 Configure功能82
3-1 Load Pull-downs83
3-2 Edit Pull-downs85
3-3 Password86
3-4 Display Options86
3-4-1 Colors87
3-4-2 Screen Size88
3-4-3 List Filter89
3-4-4 Upper Case90
3-5-1 Startup First Level92
3-5 Tree92
3-4-7 Tiled Window92
3-4-6 Split Horizontal92
3-4-5 File Display Options92
3-5-2 Local Tree93
3-5-3 Return to Startup Dir93
3-5-4 Reset Current Directory94
3-5-5 Drop on Drive Copies to Root94
3-6 Data Protection95
3-6-1 Delete Protection95
3-6-2 Wipe Options96
3-7 Execution97
3-7-1 Execution Passwords98
3 7-2 Quick Run98
3-7-3 Wait on Dos99
3-8 Drive Mapping100
3-9 Confirmation101
3-10 Define Function Keys102
3-11 Secure Settings103
3-12 Startup Programs104
3-13-2 Keyboard Speed108
3-13 Speed108
3-13-1 Speed Search108
3-13-3 Mouse Speed110
3-13-4 PC Cache Status111
3-14 Configure Editor112
3-14-1 File Editor112
3-14-2 Disk Editor113
3-15 Save Configuration114
第四章 Windows功能115
4-1 File Window115
4-2 Tree Window116
4-3 View Window117
4-4 Menu Window118
4-5 Single File List/Dual File List119
4-6 Menu Window Only121
4-7 DOS Command Line121
4-8 Function Key Line122
4-9 Background Mat122
4-10 Hide All Windows122
4-12 Move Window123
4-11 Compare Windows123
4-14 Zoom Window124
4-15 Reset Window Sizes124
4-13 Size Window124
第五章 Tree和Help功能125
5-1 Tree功能125
5-1-1 Collapse125
5-1-3 Expand Branch126
5-1-4 Expand All126
5-1-2 Expand One Level126
5-2 Help功能128
5-2-1 Topics128
5-2-2 Index128
5-2-3 Keyboard130
5-2-4 Commands132
5-2-5 About133
5-2-6 DOS Advice134
6-1 Open136
第六章 File功能136
6-2 Run DOS Command137
6-3 Print139
6-3-1 Print Directory139
6-3-2 Print File141
6-4 Search File143
6-5 Quick View146
6-6 Move146
6-7 Compare149
6-8 Delete151
6-9 Rename154
6-10 Locate156
6-11 Selection156
6-11-1 Select All156
6-11-2 Deselect All157
6-11-3 Select Filter158
6-12-1 Edit159
6-12-2 Hex Edit159
6-12 Change159
6-12-3 Attribute162
6-12-4 Wipe163
6-13 Information164
6-13-1 Verify164
6-13-2 File Info165
6-14 Secure166
6-14-1 Encrypt166
6-14-2 Decrypt169
6-15-1 Zip Files170
6-15 Compression170
6-15-2 Unzip Files172
6-16 Exit PC Tools Desktop173
第七章 Disk功能174
7-1 Rename Volumn174
7-2 Search Disk176
7-3 FastCopy179
7-4 Compare Disks185
7-5 Verify Disk187
7-6 Format188
7-7 Make System Disk191
7-8 Wipe Disk192
7-9 Directory Maintenance193
7-9-1 Add Directory193
7-9-2 Rename Directory195
7-9-3 Delete Directory196
7-9-4 Prune and Graft197
7-9-5 Directory Attributes199
7-9-6 Expunge Directory200
7-9-7 DM Program202
7-10 Change Drive210
7-11 Re-Read Tree211
7-12 Sort Directory211
7-13 Disk Info212
7-14 Disk Edit213
第八章 扇区的编辑DiskEdit214
8-1 启动DiskEdit214
8-2 功能键的认识217
8-3 Select功能222
8-3-1 Drive223
8-3-2 Directory223
8-3-3 File223
8-3-4 Cluster223
8-3-5 Sector224
8-3-9 1st Copy of FAT225
8-3-8 Boot Record225
8-3-7 Partition Table225
8-3-6 Physical Sector225
8-3-10 2nd Copy of FAT226
8-3-11 Exit226
8-4 Edit功能226
8-4-1 Mark Block226
8-5-1 Object info227
8-5 Option功能227
8-4-9 Discard Changes227
8-4-8 Write Changes227
8-4-7 Undo227
8-4-6 Edit Clipboard227
8-4-5 Paste from Clipboard227
8-4-4 Copy to Clipboard227
8-4-3 Fill Block227
8-4-2 Restore Last Block227
8-5-2 Drive info229
8-5-3 Map of Object230
8-5-4 Windows230
8-5-5 Links230
8-5-6 View236
8-6 Find功能239
8-6-1 Search239
8-6-2 Repeat Search241
8-6-3 Go to Offset241
8-7 Tools功能241
8-7-1 Recalc Partition241
8-7-2 Recalc File Length241
8-7-3 Resync FATs241
8-7-7 Write Object to242
8-7-6 End FAT Chain242
8-7-4 Start FAT Chain242
8-7-5 Add FAT Chain242
8-7-8 Print Object243
8-7-9 Hex Calculator244
8-7-10 ASCⅡ Table244
8-7-11 Memory Display244
第九章 挽救与删除246
9-1 PCFORMAT功能246
9-2 MIRROR功能248
9-3 UNFORMAT功能250
9-4 UNDELETE功能255
9-4-1 功能键的使用定义255
9-4-2 File功能259
9-4-3 Disk功能260
9-4-4 Options功能261
第十章 磁盘的修复DiskFix264
10-1 磁盘的修护265
10-2 磁盘表面的扫描267
10-3 重新恢复磁盘270
10-4 取消先前Diskfix修护操作273
10-5 选择项的设定275
10-6 建议事项Advice276
第十一章 优化磁盘使用278
11-1 Optimize功能286
11-2 Analysis功能287
11-3 Options功能288
11-4 执行优化磁盘使用291
12-2 第一次使用CP Backup293
12-1 CP Backup的启动293
第十二章 备份硬盘数据293
12-3 备份硬盘数据299
12-4 复原硬盘内容303
12-5 比较备份内容305
12-6 Options功能306
12-7 Configure功能309
第十三章 Anti-Virus的使用313
13-1 启动反病毒软件313
13-2-1 Detect314
13-2 使用快速功能表314
13-2-3 Select new drive315
13-2-2 Detect Clean315
13-2-4 Full Menu316
13-2-5 Exit317
13-2-6 快速功能表的功能键317
13-3 全功能表319
13-4 Scan功能322
13-4-4 Remove Immunize323
13-4-6 Delete SmartCheck Files323
13-4-5 Analyze Only323
13-4-2 Clean323
13-4-3 Immunize323
13-4-1 Detect323
13-4-7 Virus List324
13-4-8 Exit324
13-5 Options功能324
13-5-1 Set Options324
13-6 Configure功能326
13-5-2 Save Settings on Exit326
13-6-2 Immunization Exceptions327
13-6-1 Change to Express Menu327
13-6-3 Verification Exceptions328
13-6-4 Change Alert Message328
13-6-5 Change Password328
13-6-6 Send Network Message to328
13-7-1 Local Report329
13-7-3 Vsafe Audit Trail329
13-7-2 Activity Log329
13-7 Reports功能329
13-6-8 Schedule Anti-Virus Scanning329
13-6-7 Change Work Drive329
第十四章 Tools功能330
14-1 Build Emergency Disk330
14-1-1 建立紧急磁盘330
14-1-2 更新紧急磁盘内容330
14-1-3 紧急磁盘有关设定331
14-2 FileFix333
14-3 System Information Professional335
14-3-1 File功能下拉菜单341
14-3-2 System功能下拉菜单341
14-3-3 Disk功能下拉菜单345
14-3-4 Memory功能下拉菜单347
14-3-5 Diagnostics功能下拉菜单351
14-3-6 Benchmarks功能下拉菜单352
14-4 Maps353
14-4-1 文件映象图File Map353
14-4-2 磁盘映象图Disk Map354
14-4-3 内存映象图Memory Map355
14-4-4 列出内存信息Memory Info355
14-5 Program Scheduler356
14-5-1 Add钮358
14-5-2 Edit钮359
14-5-3 Delete钮360
14-6 Network Message360
14-7 DOS Session360
附录A 安装PC Tools 9.x361
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- 17781.html
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