
- 马恩主编;梁秀山,张元越副主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:电子工业出版社
- ISBN:7121042061
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:328页
- 文件大小:16MB
- 文件页数:341页
- 主题词:液压传动-高等学校-教材;气压传动-高等学校-教材
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第1章 绪论(Introduction)1
1.1 液压与气压传动的工作原理和图形符号(Diagram symbols and operating principles of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission)1
1.1.1 液压与气压传动的工作原理(Operating principles of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission)1
1.1.2 液压与气压传动的图形符号(Diagram symbols of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission)4
1.2 液压与气压传动的组成(Components of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission)4
1.3 液压与气压传动的优缺点(Advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission)4
1.4 液压与气压传动的应用和发展(Application and development of hydraulic and pneumatic transmission)5
思考题和习题(Review Questions)6
第2章 液压传动流体力学基础知识(Hydro-mechanics basic knowledge of hydraulic transmission)7
2.1 液压油的性质和选择(Characteristics and selection of hydraulic oil)7
2.1.1 液压油的性质(Characteristics of hydraulic oil)8
2.1.2 液压油的选择(Selection of hydraulic oil)11
2.2 液体静力学基础知识(Hydro-static mechanics basic knowledge)15
2.2.1 液体的静压力和分布(Static pressure and spread of liquids)15
2.2.2 液体静压力的传递(Hydro-static pressure transmission)16
2.2.3 静止液体中的绝对压力、相对压力和真空度(Absolute pressure,relative(gauge)pressure and vacuum within stationary liquid)17
2.2.4 静止液体作用在固体壁面上的力(Force in stationary liquids acting on surfaces of the container)17
2.3 液体动力学的基础知识(Hydro-dynamics basic knowledge)18
2.3.1 基本概念(Basic concepts)18
2.3.2 连续性方程(Continuity equation)20
2.3.3 伯努利方程(Bernoulli's equation)20
2.3.4 动量方程(Momentum equation)22
2.4 管路中液体流动时压力损失(Pressure losses at the pipes'surfaces and within the liquids as liquids move in pipes)23
2.4.1 液体的层流、紊流和雷诺数(Laminar flow,turbulent flow and Reynold's number of liquids)23
2.4.2 沿程压力损失(Pressure losses at the pipes'surfaces and within the liquids)25
2.4.3 局部压力损失(Pressure losses at a particular location)27
2.4.4 管路系统总压力损失(Total pressure losses in pipe-system)28
2.5 液体流经小孔和缝隙的流量(Flow of liquid moving through orifice and narrow clearance)28
2.5.1 液体流经小孔的流量(Flow of liquid moving through orifice)28
2.5.2 液体流经缝隙的流量(Flow of liquid moving through narrow clearance)30
2.6 液压冲击和空穴现象(Pressure shock and cavitation)34
2.6.1 液压冲击(Pressure shock)34
2.6.2 空穴现象(Cavitation)38
思考题和习题(Review Questions)39
第3章 液压传动动力元件(Power components of hydraulic transmission)41
3.1 液压泵概述(Hydraulic pumps introduction)41
3.1.1 液压泵的工作原理和种类(Operating principles and type of hydraulic pump)41
3.1.2 液压泵的性能参数及其关系式(Property parameters and equations of hydraulic pump)42
3.2 齿轮泵(Gear pumps)44
3.2.1 外啮合齿轮泵的工作原理(Operating principles of external gearpumps)44
3.2.2 外啮合齿轮泵的结构特点(Construction characteristics of external gear pumps)45
3.2.3 渐开线内啮合齿轮泵(Involute internal gear pumps)46
3.2.4 摆线内啮合齿轮泵(Orbit internal gearpumps)46
3.2.5 螺杆泵(Screw pumps)47
3.3 叶片泵(Vane pumps)48
3.3.1 单作用叶片泵(Single-acting vane pumps)48
3.3.2 限压式变量叶片泵(Pressure limited variable displacement vane pumps)49
3.3.3 双作用叶片泵(Double-acting vane pumps)50
3.4 柱塞泵(Piston pumps)52
3.4.1 轴向柱塞泵(Axial piston pumps)52
3.4.2 径向柱塞泵(Radial piston pumps)55
3.5 液压泵的主要性能及应用(Main properties and applications of hydraulic pumps)56
思考题和习题(Review Questions)57
第4章 液压传动执行元件(Actuators of hydraulic transmission)58
4.1 液压马达概述(Hydraulic motors introduction)58
4.1.1 液压马达的分类和特点(Types and characteristics of hydraulic motors)58
4.1.2 液压马达的主要性能及其参数(Main properties and parameters of hydraulic motors)59
4.1.3 齿轮液压马达(Gear hydraulic motors)61
4.1.4 叶片液压马达(Vane hydraulic motors)61
4.1.5 轴向柱塞液压马达(Axial piston hydraulic motors)62
4.1.6 多作用内曲线径向柱塞液压马达(Multi-acting internal curves radial piston motors)63
4.1.7 单作用曲轴连杆径向柱塞液压马达(Single-acting crankshaft connecting rod radial piston motors)64
4.2 液压缸(Hydraulic cylinders)65
4.2.1 液压缸的种类和特点(Types and characteristics of hydraulic cylinders)65
4.2.2 液压缸的结构(Construction of hydraulic cylinders)71
4.2.3 液压缸的设计(Design of hydraulic cylinders)76
4.2.4 液压缸的安装、调整、维护、常见故障分析及排除方法(Installation,adjusting,maintenance,troubleshooting and repairing of hydraulic cylinders)80
4.3 模拟控制液压缸和数字控制液压缸(Simulative and digital control hydraulic cylinders)82
4.3.1 模拟控制液压缸(Simulative control hydraulic cylinders)82
4.3.2 数字控制液压缸(Digital control hydraulic cylinders)83
思考题和习题(Review Questions)85
第5章 液压传动控制元件(Control components of hydraulic transmission)87
5.1 液压控制阀概述(Hydraulic control valves introduction)87
5.1.1 液压控制阀的分类(Types of hydraulic control valves)87
5.1.2 液压控制阀的主要性能参数(Main properties and parameters of hydraulic control valves)89
5.2 压力控制阀(Pressure control valves)89
5.2.1 溢流阀(Pressure relief valves)90
5.2.2 减压阀(Pressure reducing valves)94
5.2.3 顺序阀(Pressure sequence valves)97
5.2.4 压力继电器(Hydro-electric pressure switch)99
5.3 流量控制阀(Flow control valves)100
5.3.1 节流口的流量特性(Flow characteristics of throttle ports)100
5.3.2 节流阀(Throttle valves)102
5.3.3 调速阀(2-way flow control valves with pressure compensators)104
5.3.4 溢流节流阀(3-way flow control valves with pressure compensators)106
5.3.5 分流(集流)阀(Flow divider/combiners)107
5.4 方向控制阀(Directional control valves)109
5.4.1 单向阀(Check valves)109
5.4.2 换向阀(Directional valves)111
5.5 插装阀和叠加阀(Cartridge valves and modular valves)120
5.5.1 插装阀(Cartridge valves)120
5.5.2 叠加阀(Modular valves)125
5.6 电液数字控制阀(Electro-hydraulic digital control directional spool valves)125
5.7 电液比例控制阀(Electro-hydraulic proportional control valves)128
5.7.1 电液比例控制阀的主要性能参数(Main properties and parameters of electrohydraulic proportional control valves)128
5.7.2 电液比例压力控制阀(Electro-hydraulic proportional pressure control valves)131
5.7.3 电液比例流量控制阀(Electro-hydraulic proportional flow control valves)131
5.7.4 电液比例方向控制阀(Electro-hydraulic proportional directional control valves)132
思考题和习题(Review Questions)133
第6章 液压传动辅助元件(Accessories of hydraulic transmission)136
6.1 蓄能器(Accumulators)136
6.1.1 蓄能器的用途(Application of accumulators)136
6.1.2 蓄能器的类型及其工作原理(Types and operating principles of accumulators)137
6.1.3 蓄能器参数的选择和计算(Parameters selection and calculation of accumulators)138
6.1.4 蓄能器的使用和安装(Application and installation of accumulators)141
6.2 过滤器(Filters)142
6.2.1 过滤器的种类和结构特点(Types and construction characteristics of filters)142
6.2.2 过滤器的选用(Selection of filters)144
6.2.3 过滤器的安装(Installation of filters)144
6.3 油箱、密封件、油管及管接头(Oil tanks,seals,pipes and pipe fittings)145
6.3.1 油箱(Oil tanks)145
6.3.2 密封件(Seals)147
6.3.3 油管及管接头(Pipes and pipe fittings)152
6.4 加热器和冷却器(Heaters and coolers)156
6.4.1 加热器(Heaters)156
6.4.2 冷却器(Coolers)157
思考题和习题(Review Questions)158
第7章 液压传动基本回路(Basic circuits of hydraulic transmission)159
7.1 速度控制回路(Speed control circuits)159
7.1.1 节流调速回路(Throttle adjusting speed control circuits)159
7.1.2 容积调速回路(Volume adjusting speed control circuits)164
7.1.3 容积节流调速回路(Volume and throttle adjusting speed control circuits)168
7.1.4 速度换接回路(Speed conversion control circuits)171
7.2 压力控制回路(Pressure control circuits)173
7.2.1 调压回路(Pressure adjusting control circuits)173
7.2.2 增压回路(Pressure increasing control circuits)175
7.2.3 减压回路(Pressure reducing control circuits)176
7.2.4 平衡回路(Pressure balancing control circuits)177
7.2.5 卸荷回路(Load pressure releasing control circuits)178
7.2.6 保压回路(Circuits for pressure protecting)180
7.3 方向控制回路(Directional control circuits)182
7.3.1 换向回路(Directional circuits)182
7.3.2 浮动与锁紧回路(Circuits for brake releasing and braking)183
7.4 多执行元件运动控制回路(Multi-actuators motion control circuits)186
7.4.1 同步运动回路(Synchronizing motion control circuits)186
7.4.2 顺序运动回路(Sequence motion control circuits)188
思考题和习题(Review Questions)191
第8章 典型液压传动系统(Typical hydraulic transmission systems)197
8.1 组合机床动力滑台液压传动系统(Hydraulic transmission system of power work table in combining machine tool)198
8.1.1 概述(Introduction)198
8.1.2 YT4543型组合机床动力滑台的液压传动系统及其工作原理(Hydraulic transmission system and operating principles of power work table in YT4543 combining machine tool)199
8.1.3 YT4543型组合机床动力滑台液压传动系统的特点(Characteristics of hydraulic transmission system of power work table in YT4543 combining machine tool)202
8.2 液压机液压传动系统(Hydraulic transmission system of press machine)202
8.2.1 概述(Introduction)202
8.2.2 3150kN万能液压机液压传动系统的工作原理(Operating principles of hydraulic transmission system of the 3150kN universal press machine)204
8.2.3 3150kN万能液压机液压传动系统的主要特点(The main characteristics of hydraulic transmission system of the 3150kN universal press machine)206
8.2.4 3150kN万能液压机插装阀集成液压传动系统工作原理(Operating principles of cartridge valves hydraulic transmission system of the 3150kN universal press machine)207
8.3 挖掘机液压传动系统(Hydraulic transmission system of excavator)210
8.3.1 概述(Introduction)……(210)210
8.3.2 单斗液压挖掘机的组成及作业程序(Components and operating procedures of excavator)210
8.3.3 单斗全液压挖掘机液压传动系统的工作原理(Operating principles of hydraulic transmission system of excavator)211
8.3.4 单斗全液压挖掘机液压传动系统的特点(Characteristics of hydraulic transmission system of excavator)213
8.4 塑料注射成型机液压传动系统(Hydraulic transmission system of plastic injection machine)213
8.4.1 概述(Introduction)213
8.4.2 塑料注射成型机液压传动系统的工作原理(Operating principles of hydraulic transmission system of plastic injection machine)214
8.4.3 塑料注射成型机液压传动系统的特点(Characteristics of hydraulic transmission system of plastic injection machine)218
思考题和习题(Review Questions)219
第9章 液压传动系统的设计计算(Design and calculation of hydraulic transmission system)220
9.1 液压传动系统的设计(Design of hydraulic transmission system)220
9.1.1 明确设计要求,进行工况分析(Understanding design requirements and analyzing operating load condition)221
9.1.2 液压系统主要性能参数的确定(Determining main properties and parameters of hydraulic transmission system)223
9.1.3 拟定液压系统原理图(Drawing schematic illustration of operating principle of hydraulic transmission system)225
9.1.4 液压元件的计算和选择(Calculation and selection of hydraulic components)226
9.1.5 液压系统的性能验算(Properties calculation of hydraulic transmission system)227
9.1.6 绘制工作图和编写技术文件(Drawing schematic illustration of operating principle and compiling technical files)229
9.2 液压传动系统的设计计算举例(Examples of design and calculation of hydraulic transmission system)229
思考题和习题(Review Questions)238
第10章 液压传动伺服控制系统(Servo control system of hydraulic transmission)239
10.1 概述(Introduction)239
10.1.1 液压传动伺服控制系统的工作原理(Operating principles of servo control system of hydraulic transmission)239
10.1.2 液压传动伺服控制系统的组成和种类(Components and types of servo control system of hydraulic transmission)243
10.2 液压传动伺服控制元件种类(Types of servo control component of hydraulic transmission)245
10.2.1 滑阀(Spool valves)245
10.2.2 喷嘴挡板阀(Nozzle flapper servo valves)247
10.2.3 射流管阀(jet-flow pipe valves)248
10.3 伺服阀(Servo control valves)249
10.4 液压传动伺服控制系统举例(Examples of servo control system of hydraulic transmission)250
思考题和习题(Review Questions)253
第11章 气压传动基础知识(Basic knowledge of pneumatic transmission)254
11.1 气压传动工作介质的性质(Operating medium characteristics of pneumatic transmission)254
11.2 气压传动气体静力学(Gas-statics of pneumatic transmission)256
11.2.1 理想气体状态方程(Ideal gas condition equation)256
11.2.2 静止气体状态变化过程(Stationary gas condition varying process)256
11.3 气压传动气体动力学(Gas-dynamics of pneumatic transmission)258
11.3.1 气体流动的连续性方程(Continuity equation of flowing gas)258
11.3.2 气体流动的伯努利方程(Bernoulli's equation of flowing gas)258
11.3.3 声速和气体在管路中的流动特性(Flow characteristics of sonic and gas in pipes)259
11.3.4 气压传动元件的通流能力(Passing flow ability of components of pneumatic transmission)261
思考题和习题(Review Questions)263
第12章 气压传动气源装置和辅助元件(Pneumatic power source units and Accessories of pneumatic transmission)264
12.1 气源装置(Pneumatic power source units)264
12.1.1 气源装置的组成(Components of pneumatic power source units)264
12.1.2 气源净化装置(Pneumatic power source cleaning units)266
12.2 辅助元件(Accessories)268
12.2.1 分水滤气器(Separators)268
12.2.2 油雾器(Lubricators)268
12.2.3 消声器(Mufflers)269
12.2.4 管件及管路系统(Pipes and pipe systems)270
思考题和习题(Review Questions)273
第13章 执行元件(Actuators)274
13.1 气缸(Pneumatic cylinders)274
13.1.1 气缸的种类(Types of pneumatic cylinders)274
13.1.2 气缸的输出力和耗气量计算(Output force and consumption calculation of pneumatic cylinders)277
13.2 气马达(Pneumatic motors)279
13.2.1 气马达的种类和特点(Types and characteristics of pneumatic motors)279
13.2.2 气马达的工作原理和应用(Operating principles and application of pneumatic motors)279
思考题和习题(Review Questions)280
第14章 气动控制元件(Control components of pneumatic transmission)281
14.1 压力控制阀(Pressure control valves)281
14.1.1 溢流阀(Pressure relief valves)281
14.1.2 减压阀(Pressure reducing valves)282
14.1.3 顺序阀(Pressure sequence valves)283
14.2 流量控制阀(Flow control valves)284
14.2.1 节流阀(Throttle valves)284
14.2.2 调速阀(2 way flow control valves with pressure compensators)285
14.3 方向控制阀(Directional control valves)285
14.3.1 单向阀(Check valves)285
14.3.2 换向阀(Directional control valves)287
14.4 气动逻辑元件(Logic components of pneumatic transmission)292
14.4.1 气动逻辑元件的分类及特点(Types and characteristics of logic components of pneumatic transmission)292
14.4.2 高压截止式逻辑元件(Shut-off logic components with high pressure)292
14.5 比例阀(Proportional control valves)296
14.5.1 比例流量方向阀(Proportional flow directional control valves)296
14.5.2 比例压力阀(Proportional pressure valves)296
思考题和习题(Review Questions)297
第15章 气压传动基本回路(Basic circuits of pneumatic transmission)299
15.1 速度控制回路(Speed control circuits)299
15.1.1 供气节流调速回路(Intake throttle adjusting speed control circuits)299
15.1.2 排气节流调速回路(Outlet throttle adjusting speed control circuits)300
15.1.3 单作用气缸的节流调速回路(Throttle adjusting speed control circuits of Single-acting piston pneumatic cylinders)300
15.1.4 双作用气缸的双向调速回路(Two-way throttle adjusting speed control circuits of double-acting and single-piston-rod pneumatic cylinders)301
15.2 压力控制回路(Pressure control circuits)301
15.2.1 一次压力控制回路(First grade pressure control circuits)301
15.2.2 二次压力控制回路(Second grade pressure control circuits)302
15.2.3 高低压选择回路(High-low pressure selection control circuits)302
15.3 方向控制回路(Directional control circuits)302
15.4 往复运动回路(Reciprocating circuits)303
15.4.1 一次往复运动回路(Interrupted reciprocating circuits)303
15.4.2 连续往复运动回路(Uninterrupted reciprocating circuits)304
15.5 气—液联动回路(Hydraulic and pneumatic acting circuits)304
15.5.1 气—液联动的速度控制回路(Speed control circuits of hydraulic and pneumatic acting)304
15.5.2 气—液增压回路(Hydraulic and pneumatic pressure increasing control circuits)305
15.5.3 气—液缸同步动作控制回路(Synchronizing motion control circuits of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders)305
15.6 气压传动基本逻辑回路(Basic logic control circuits of pneumatic transmission)306
思考题和习题(Review Questions)308
第16章 气压传动控制系统(Control system of pneumatic transmission)309
16.1 气压传动控制系统实例(Examples of control system of pneumatic transmission)309
16.1.1 工件夹紧气压传动控制系统(Control system of pneumatic transmission used in workpiece clamped on the tooling and fixture)309
16.1.2 某型数控加工中心气压传动控制换刀系统(Exchanging control tool system of pneumatic transmission on numerical control machine center)310
16.2 气压传动系统设计(Design of pneumatic transmission system)311
16.2.1 X-D线图法的设计步骤(Design procedures of X-D method)311
16.2.2 气压传动行程程序控制回路设计举例(Design examples of distance programmable control of pneumatic transmission system)312
16.3 气压传动控制系统的安装、调试、使用与维修(Installation,adjusting,application and maintenance of pneumatic transmission control system)314
思考题和习题(Review Questions)316
附录A 部分液压与气压传动图形符号317
附录B 液压与气压传动主要符号、关键词和术语中英文对照322
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