
- 李实,白南生主编 著
- 出版社: 中国对外翻译出版公司
- ISBN:7500114648
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:177页
- 文件大小:24MB
- 文件页数:194页
- 主题词:社会发展-研究报告-中国-2005-英文
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Chapter Ⅰ Development and Equity:The State of Human Develop-ment and the Conceptual Framework5
Concept of human development5
Comparing the state of China's human development7
Concept and theory of equity15
Chapter Ⅱ The State of Equity in China:lncome and Wealth Dis-tribution21
The framework for analysis21
Inequality in income distribution22
Inequality in wealth distribution31
Chapter Ⅲ The State of Equity in China:Opportunities and Ca-pabilities38
The labor market38
Disparities m education46
Disparities in health and public medical care54
Chapter Ⅳ The State of Equity in China: Social Security and PublicExpenditure61
Social security in China61
Taxation system and fiscal revenue and expenditure71
The poor population and vulnerable groups80
Chapter Ⅴ Goals&Policy Recommendations91
The goal of building a Xiaokang society in an all-round way91
Policy recommendations98
3.1 The Evolution of the Responsibility System for China's Elementary Edu-cation53
4.1 History of Rural Cooperative Medical Service and Current Reform inChina67
4.2 China's Agricultural Taxes72
4.3 The Composition of Poverty-Stricken Households in Urban Areas(Case Study)84
5.1 The Objectives of Building a Xiaokang Societyin an All-Round Way92
5.2 China's Progress in Meeting Millennium Development Goals96
5.3 Dismantling the Hukou System103
1.1 Changes in China's Human Development Index (HDI)7
1.2 Urban&Rural Life Expectancy by Province in 2000 (years)9
1.3 Male&Female Illiteracy Rates by Province in 2003 (15 years&over)10
1.4 Changes in National, Urban&Rural HDIs, 1990-200211
1.5 Human Development Index by Province in 200312
1.6 Gini Coefficient for Chinais Income Distribution13
1.7 Comparison of the Gini Coefficients of Various Countries in 200014
1.8 Urban Residents' Recognition of Income Inequality:Should There Be Income Inequality?(Result of 2001 Sample Survey)16
1.9 Public Opinions on Inequalities in Various Countries in 200217
1.10 Public Opinions in Different Provinces on National Income Distribu-tion18
1.11 Opinions of Different Income Groups on National Income Inequality19
2.1 Trends in Per Capita Income Changes of Urban and Rural Residents 1990-2003 (at variable prices)25
2.2 Changes in China's Urban-Rural Income Inequality, 1990-200326
2.3 Changes in China's Rural Income Inequality (Gini Coefficient)28
2.4 Changes in China's Urban Income Inequality (Gini Coefficient)29
2.5 Changes in National Income Inequality (Gini Coefficient)30
2.6 Proportions of Urban&Rural Residents in the Wealth Deciles in 200236
3.1 Number of Unemployed and the Registered Unemployment Rate, 1981 200439
3.2 Changes in the Number of Workers and Unemployed People40
3.3 Number of Workers in Urban State-Owned and Collective Enterprises,1995-200341
3.4 Differences in Average Wages Between Monopolized Industries and Manufacturing Industry46
3.5 Educational Enrolment and Average Years of Schooling, 1964-200047
3.6 Numbers of Teachers at Different Education Levels, 1952-2000, unit:10,00048
3.7 Percentage of Female Students in Various Educational Institutions 2000 and 200255
3.8 Public Expenditure on Education (100Million RMB, Current Prices,1978-2001)51
3.9 Public Expenditure on Education as a Percentage of GDP51
3.10 Urban-Rural Comparison of Operation Funds Per Student (Yuan)53
3.11 Life Expectancy, 1949-200054
3.12 Child and Maternal Mortality Rates, 200155
3.13 Urban-Rural Comparison of Proportion of Children Underweight or Stunted56
3.14 Regional Comparison of Children Underweight or Stunted, 1992-200057
3.15 Number of Beds in Hospitals and Health Centres, by Province, 2002 (per1,000 Residents)59
3.16 Hospitalized Deliver Rates in Various Provinces (percent), 200260
4.1 Coverage of All Kinds of Medical Insurance among Rural and Urban Residents66
4.2 Scale and Structure of Central-Local Fiscal Transfer Payments from 1994-200278
4.3 Changes in China's Rural Poverty Incidence from 1990 to 200081
4.4 Changes in China's Rural Poverty Gap from 1990 to 200282
4.5 Land-expropriated Farmers' Assessment of Changes in Their Living Stan-dards86
2.1 The Analytical Framework for Inequality22
2.2 National, Urban&Rural Income Shares of Different Income Groups in 200227
2.3 Urban-Rural Breakdown of National Personal Income Inequality in 1988&200231
2.4 Level&Composition of Rural per Capita Wealth in 200232
2.5 Proportions of Wealth Held by Deciles of Rural Population in 2002 (%)33
2.6 Inequality in Distribution of Rural per Capita Wealth in 200233
2.7 Urban per Capita Personal Wealth and Its Composition34
2.8 Proportions of Wealth Held by Deciles of Urban Population in 2002 (%)35
2.9 Inequality in Urban per Capita Wealth Distribution in 200235
2.10 Per Capita Wealth and Its Composition in China as a Whole in 200236
2.11 Proportions of Wealth Held by Decile Groups in 2002(%)37
2.12 Inequality in Wealth Distribution in China as a whole in 200237
3.1 Years of schooling of migrant and urban workers43
3.2 Occupation and Years of Schooling of Male and Female Workers44
3.3 Industrial Distribution and Years of Schooling of Male and FemaleWorkers44
3.4 Changes in Industrial Differences in Wages, 1993-200245
3.5 Proportions of City, Town and City Populations Aged 15-64 Years by Education Level and Years of Schooling, 200048
3.6 The Proportions of Government Expenditure on Educational Funding in China and Some OECD Countries52
3.7 Health of Rural Residents by Income, 199358
3.8 Medical Personnel per 1,000 Residents, by Region, in 200259
4.1 Main Items of China's Social Security62
4.2 Pension Enjoyed by the Urban Elderly by Gender, Hukou and Loca-tion (2000)63
4.3 Pension Enjoyed by the Rural Elderly by Gender, Hukou and Loca-tion (2000)64
4.4 The Pensions Enjoyed by the Elderly People by Gender, Hukou, Unit and Location (2000) Unit:Yuan/month64
4.5 A Regional Comparison of the Coverage of Various Social Securities for Urban Workers by Gender (percent)68
4.6 Proportion of the Population of Assisted Households in the Urban Popu-lation69
4.7 Rural Elderly Receiving Government Assistance by Gender and Re-gion (2000)70
4.8 The Differences in Collective Aid Received by the Rural Aged Popula-tion by Gender, Household and Region (2000)71
4.9 Fiscal Expenditure of Local Governments as a Percentage of Local Fiscal Expenditure, and Its Changes in 200074
4.10 The Proportions of Agricultural Taxes and the Govern ments'Agriculture- supporting Expenditures in the Total Fiscal Expenditure and GDP during 1985-200374
4.11 Gap between the Health Care Operation Expenses per Capita in Rural and Urban Areas during 1998-200275
4.12 Per Capita Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure of Various Provinces (Yuan) and their inequality during 1994-200376
4.13 Inequity in per Capita Fiscal Expenditure of County-level Governments within Some Provinces 1994-200376
4.14 Proportion of Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure of Governments at the County and Village Levels in National Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure77
4.15 Provincial Gaps in per Capita Education Operation Expenses of Educa- tion at Each Level in 200177
4.16 The Situation of Poverty among Rural Residents80
4.17 Greatest Changes to the Farmers who Have Lost Farmland (Attitudinal Questions)85
5.1 China's Millennium Development Goals95
5.2 Policy Framework99
1.Classification of provinces by HDI145
2. Classification of provinces by the HDI for urban areas146
3. Classification of provinces by the HDI for rural areas147
4. Classification of provinces by per-capita GDP148
5. Classifiication of provinces by per-capita GDP in urban areas149
6. Classifiication of provinces by per-capita GDP in rural areas150
7. Classification of provinces by the average illiteracy ratio151
8. Classification of provinces by the average illiteracy ratio among urban citizens152
9. Classification of provinces by the average illiteracy ratio among rural citizens153
1. 2003 Human development index (HDI) of different provinces154
2. 2003 Urban human development index of different provinces155
3. 2003 Rural human development index of different provinces156
4. 2000 Per capita life expectancy of different provinces157
5. 2000 Urban per capita life expectancy of different provinces158
6. 2000 Rural per capita life expectancy of different provinces159
7. 2003 Rural and urban per capita GDP of different provinces (yuan)160
8. 2003 Sexual illiterate/semi-illiterate percentage in different prov-inces(%)161
9. 2003 Synthetic school attendance rate of different provinces(%)162
10. 2003 Basic Indices for Population in Different Provinces163
11. 2003 Total Employment and Industrial Structure of Different Provinces164
12. Registered Number of Unemployeed and Rate of Unemployement in 1990,2002 and 2003165
13. 2003 Local Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure of Different Provinces (Total amount and per-capita amount)166
14. The Quantity and Composition of Per-capita Disposable Income of Ur-ban Citizens in Different Provinces in 2003 (yuan)167
15.The Quantity and Composition of Per-capita Disposable Income of Rural Citizens in Different Provinces in 2003 (yuan)168
16. The Quantity and Composition of Per-capita Consumption Expenditure of Urban Citizens in 2003(yuan)169
17. The Quantity and Composition of Per-capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Citizens in 2003(yuan)170
18A. Durable Consumer Goods Owned by Urban Citizens in Different Prov-inces in 2003(every 100 households)171
18B. Durable Consumer Goods Owned by Urban Citizens in Different Prov-inces in 2003(every 100 households)172
19A. The Quantity and Composition of Per-capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Citizens in 2003(yuan)173
19B. The Quantity and Composition of Per-capita Consumption Expenditure of Rural Citizens in 2003(yuan)174
20A. Health Agencies in Different Provinces in 2003175
20B. The numbers of Medical Workers and Sickbeds in Different Provinces in 2003.176
21. The Numbers of People Participating in Basic Pension Insurance, Un-employment Insurance and Basic Medical Insurance in Different Provinces in 2003 (10,000 persons)177
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