

  • 刘法公,项玲编著 著
  • 出版社: 杭州:浙江工商大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787517818038
  • 出版时间:2016
  • 标注页数:384页
  • 文件大小:68MB
  • 文件页数:399页
  • 主题词:国际营销-英语-高等学校-教材


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Unit 1 Introduction1

1.0 Overview1

1.1 What Is Marketing All About?2

1.1.1 The Concept of Exchange3


1.2 Definitions of International Marketing8

1.2.1 The Origins of Marketing10


1.3 The Importance of Marketing14

1.4 Why Should You Study Marketing?16


Unit 2 Consumers and Markets21

2.0 Overview21

2.1 The Decision-Making Process22

2.1.1 Problem22

2.1.2 Search23

2.1.3 Evaluation25

2.1.4 Decision26

2.1.5 Post-Purchase Evaluation Process27

2.2 Purchasing Situations29

2.2.1 Routine PS29

2.2.2 Limited PS30

2.2.3 Extended PS31

2.2.4 The Importance of Purchasing Situations32


2.3 Environmental Influence35

2.3.1 Sociocultural Influence35

2.3.2 Technological Influence36

2.3.3 Economic and Competitive Influence36

2.3.4 Political and Legal Influence37

2.4 Psychological Influences—The Individual37

2.4.1 Personality Influence38

2.4.2 Perception Influence38

2.4.3 Learning40

2.4.4 Motivation41

2.4.5 Attitudes42

2.5 Sociocultural Influences—The Group44

2.5.1 Social Class Influence44

2.5.2 Culture and Subculture Influence44

2.5.3 Reference Groups Influence46

2.5.4 Family Influence48


Unit 3 New Product Development Strategies49

3.0 Overview53

3.1 The Meaning of a New Product54

3.1.1 Types of Newness54

3.1.2 Customer-Orientated Perspective57

3.2 The Importance of New Product Development59

3.2.1 Reactive Approach59

3.2.2 Proactive Approach60

3.3 The New Product Development Process61

3.3.1 Idea Generation62

3.3.2 Screening Ideas66


3.3.3 Business Analysis68

3.3.4 Product Development70

3.3.5 Test Marketing71

3.3.6 Commercialization72

3.3.7 Monitoring and Evaluation72

3.4 New Product Failure74

3.4.1 Failure Defined74

3.4.2 Reasons for New Product Failure75

3.5 Trend in NPD Process Management75

3.5.1 Research and Development76

3.5.2 Organization for NPD78


Unit 4 International Product Planning and Development80

4.0 Overview82

4.1 Types of Products84

4.1.1 Distinctions Between Goods and Services84

4.1.2 Consumer Products86

4.1.3 Industrial Products88

4.1.4 Product Management Organizations89

4.1.5 Product Positioning91

4.1.6 The Product Life Cycle93


4.2 Branding Needs a Strategy Decision98

4.2.1 Branding Development99

4.2.2 Achieving Brand Familiarity Is Not Easy100

4.2.3 Protecting Brand Name and Trademark102

4.2.4 The Use of Brand102

4.2.5 Who Should Do the Branding?104

4.3 The Strategic Importance of Packaging105

4.3.1 Packaging Can Make the Difference105

4.3.2 Packing May Lower Distribution and Promotion Costs106

4.3.3 Socially Responsible Packaging107

4.4 Warranties Are Important108


Unit 5 Distribution Planning and Channels109

5.0 Overview113

5.1 Distribution Planning114

5.2 Channel Functions115

5.3 Distribution Channels117

5.4 Ideal Market Exposure120

5.4.1 Advantages of Selective Distribution121

5.4.2 Advantages of Exclusive Distribution122

5.5 Channels Must Be Managed122

5.6 Wholesaling124

5.6.1 Wholesaling Functions124

5.6.2 Types of Wholesalers125


5.7 Recent Trends in Wholesaling135

5.8 Retailing137

5.8.1 A Retailer's Strategy137

5.8.2 Retailing Functions in Distribution139

5.8.3 Types of Retailers139

5.8.4 Considerations in Retail Planning144


Unit 6 Business-to-Business Markets152

6.0 Overview152

6.1 What Is B2B Marketing?153

6.2 Business-to-Business Customers155

6.2.1 Commercial Enterprises155

6.2.2 Government Bodies156

6.2.3 Institutions157

6.3 Characteristics of B2B Markets Is Important157

6.3.1 Nature of Demand158

6.3.2 Demand Structure159

6.3.3 Buying Process Is Complex159

6.3.4 Buyer-Seller Relationships163


6.4 Buying Decision-Making Process166

6.4.1 Precipitation166

6.4.2 Product Specification167

6.4.3 Supplier Selection168

6.4.4 Commitment168

6.5 Roles170

6.5.1 Purchasing Function171

6.5.2 Production/Operations Function172

6.5.3 Engineering Function172

6.5.4 R&D Function172

6.5.5 Finance Function173

6.5.6 Marketing Function173

6.6 The Buying Centre174

6.6.1 Role of Users174

6.6.2 Role of Influencers174

6.6.3 Role of Deciders174

6.6.4 Role of Buyers174

6.6.5 Role of Gatekeepers175

6.7 Buying Criteria176

6.7.1 Economic Influences Criteria176

6.7.2 Non-economic Influences Criteria177


Unit 7 Service,Nonprofit Marketing and Society178

7.0 Overview181

7.1 Service Marketing182

7.1.1 Marketing by Service Firms182

7.1.2 Special Considerations for Service Marketers183

7.1.3 Classifying Services186

7.1.4 The Extent of Services in the Economy187

7.1.5 Illustrations of Service Marketing189


7.2 Nonprofit Marketing196

7.2.1 Nonprofit and Profit-oriented Marketing196

7.2.2 Classifying Non-Profit Marketing198

7.2.3 Illustrations of Nonprofit marketing199

7.3 Marketing and Society200

7.3.1 Social Responsibility202

7.3.2 Natural Resources202

7.3.3 The Landscape203

7.3.4 Environmental Pollution204

7.3.5 Ethics205

7.4 Consumerism207

7.4.1 Consumer Information and Education208

7.4.2 Consumer Safety210

7.4.3 Consumer Choice211

7.4.4 Consumers' Right to Be Heard211


Unit 8 Advertising and Public Relations212

8.0 The Conceptual Framework217

8.1 Advertising and Its Objectives218

8.2 Advertising Planning218

8.3 Types of Advertisements219

8.3.1 Institutional Advertising220


8.4 Media Selection223

8.4.1 Newspapers223

8.4.2 Magazines224

8.4.3 Television224

8.4.4 Radio225

8.4.5 Direct Mail226

8.4.6 Outdoor Advertising226

8.5 Organizing the Advertising Function227

8.5.1 Advertising Agencies228


8.6 Creating an Advertisement230

8.6.1 Celebrity Testimonials231

8.6.2 Comparative Advertising232

8.6.3 Retail Advertising232

8.7 Assessing the Effectiveness of an Advertisement233

8.8 Public Relations234

8.8.1 Publicity235

8.8.2 Ultimate Consumers and Other Publics235


Unit 9 Personal Selling and Sales Management236

9.0 The Nature and Importance of Selling238

9.1 Personal Selling239

9.1.1 Advantages of Personal Selling Over Other Forms of Promotion239

9.2 Sales Tasks240


9.3 Myths About Selling243

9.3.1 The Professional Salesperson244

9.3.2 Rewards and Responsibility of Every Professional Salesperson245

9.3.3 The Role of Personal Selling in a Small Business245


9.4 The Sales Process248

9.4.1 Prospecting249

9.4.2 The Sales Approach and Qualifying250

9.4.3 The Sales Presentation251

9.4.4 Handling Objections252

9.4.5 Closing the Sale252

9.4.6 Follow-Up253

9.5 Retail Selling254


9.6 Sales Management257

9.6.1 Recruitment and Selection258

9.6.2 Training259

9.6.3 Organization260

9.6.4 Supervision260

9.6.5 Motivation261

9.6.6 Compensation262

9.6.7 Evaluation and Control262


Unit 10 Internet Communications and New Media264

10.0 Overview266

10.1 Internet Marketing Is Critical267

10.1.1 The Nature267

10.1.2 The Dotcom269

10.1.3 The Website269

10.1.4 Uses of a Website270

10.1.5 Broadband275


10.2 New Media276

10.2.1 E-Mail Marketing277

10.2.2 Wireless Marketing279

10.2.3 iTV Marketing Cannot Be Ignored281


Unit 11 Direct Marketing,Exhibitions and Trade Fairs283

11.0 What Is Direct Marketing?286

11.1 Direct Marketing Rises288

11.1.1 Push Factors288

11.1.2 Pull Factors289

11.1.3 Facilitating Factors290

11.2 Techniques of Direct Marketing292

11.2.1 Direct Mail292

11.2.2 Direct Response Advertising293

11.2.3 Telemarketing296

11.2.4 E-communication and New Media298

11.2.5 Mail Order298

11.2.6 Teleshopping298


11.3 The Role of Direct Marketing in the Promotional Mix301

11.3.1 The Objectives302

11.3.2 Achieving the Objectives of Direct Marketing302

11.3.3 How and When to Use Direct Marketing303

11.4 Trade Shows and Exhibitions304

11.4.1 Benefits of Attending and Participating in Exhibitions304

11.4.2 Comparison of the Benefits of Exhibitions and Personal Selling305

11.4.3 Importance of Exhibitions to Organizations306


Unit 12 Marketing and Society311

12.0 The Conceptual Framework311

12.1 The Contemporary Environment of Marketing311

12.2 Evaluating the Quality of Life313

12.3 Current Issues in Marketing314

12.3.1 Consumerism314

12.3.2 The Consumer's Rights315


12.4 Consumer Characteristics321

12.4.1 Interest Representation321

12.5 Marketing Ethics322

12.5.1 Ethical Problems in Product Management and Pricing323

12.5.2 Ethical Problems in Distribution Strategy324

12.5.3 Ethical Problems in Promotional Strategy325


12.6 Social Responsibility327

12.6.1 Marketing's Responsibilities328

12.6.2 Marketing and Ecology329

12.7 Controlling the Marketing System330

12.8 Ethics and Values331

12.8.1 Consumerism,the Individual,and the Marketer332

12.8.2 The Paradox of the Marketing Concept333

12.9 Resolving Contemporary Issues in Marketing334


Unit 13 Marketing of Services338

13.0 What Are Services?338

13.1 Characteristics of Services339

13.2 Types of Consumer and Industrial Services341

13.3 Buyer Behavior341

13.3.1 Attitudes342

13.3.2 Needs and Motives342

13.3.3 Purchase Behavior342


13.4 Environments for Service Firms347

13.4.1 Economic Environment347

13.4.2 Social/Cultural Environment348

13.4.3 Political/Legal Environment349

13.4.4 Technical Environment349

13.4.5 Competitive Environment350


13.5 The Marketing Mix for Service Firms354

13.5.1 Service Policies354

13.5.2 Pricing Strategy355

13.5.3 Distribution Strategy356

13.5.4 Promotional Strategy356

