

  • 出版社:
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  • 出版时间:未知
  • 标注页数:616页
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  • 文件页数:640页
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Chapter One Introduction1

1.1 The Metal Column—Past and Present1

1.2 Scope and Summary of the Guide2

1.3 Mechanical Properties of Structural Metals4



1.4 Definitions11

1.5 Post-Buckling Behavior15

2.2 Concepts of Structural Safety18

2.1 Introduction18

Chapter Two Structural Safety18

2.3 Load and Resistance Factor Design(Limit StatesDesign)20

2.4 The Safety of Columns22


2.5 Safety in Column-Support Details24

Chapter Three Centrally Loaded Columns26

3.1 Introduction26

3.2 Critical Load-Theory27

3.3 Effects of Geometric Imperfections38

3.4 Strength of Aluminum-Alloy Columns42

3.5 Strength of Steel Columns50

3.6 Design Considerations for Steel Columns64

3.7 Effective Length of Framed Columns73

3.8 Columns of Variable Cross Section77

3.9 Lateral-Bracing Requirements77

Chapter Four Local Buckling of Plates81

4.1 Introduction81

4.2 Critical Stresses for Plates Under Uniform Edge Com-pression83

4.3 k-Factors for Elements of Rolled Structural Shapes and Box Sections87

4.4 Plate-Thickness Requirements as Determined by Critical Stress89

4.5 Effective Width-Thickness Ratios for Flat Plates in Axial Compression,Based on Post-Buckling Strength93

4.6 Plates Under Other Edge-Loading Conditions102

5.1 Introduction113

Chapter Five Dynamic Load Effects113

5.2 Parametric Resonance115

5.3 Simply Supported Uniform Column116

5.4 Other Results118

Chapter Six Laterally Unsupported Beams121

6.1 Introduction121

6.2 Rectangular and Box-Girder Sections126

6.3 Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Beams and Girders—Introduction130

6.4 Method A:The Basic Procedure for Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Beams and Plate Girders131

6.5 Method B:The Single-Formula Simplified Procedure for Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Beams and Plate Girders137

6.6 Method C:The Double-Formula Simplified Procedure for Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Beams and Plate Girders139

6.8 Girders Symmetrical about the y-y Axis but Unsymmetri-cal about the x-x Axis141

6.7 Summary with Respect to Design Formulas for Doubly Symmetric I-Shaped Beams and Plate Girders141

6.9 Doubly Symmetric Girders with Variable Flange Area145

6.10 Continuous Beams145

6.11 Channels and Special Shapes146

6.12 Types of Lateral Support148

6.13 Effect of Concrete Encasement149

Chapter Seven Plate Girders152

7.1 Introduction152

7.2 Web Buckling as a Basisfor Design155

7.3 Shear Strength of Plate Girders157

7.4 Girders with No Intermediate Stiffeners166

7.5 Bending Strength of Plate Girders167

7.6 Combined Bending and Shear171

7.7 Plate Girders with Longitudinal Stiffeners172

7.8 End Panels176

7.9 Design of Stiffeners176

7.10 Panels Under Edge Loading179

7.11 Fatigue182

7.12 Research Needs182

Chapter Eight Beam-Columns189

8.1 Introduction189

8.2 Beam-Column Design Based on Load at Initial Yield192

8.3 Beam-Column Strength in Bending Without Lateral Buckling196

8.4 Strength of Laterally Unsupported Beam-Columns201

8.5 Beam-Columns Having Unequal End Moments202

8.6 Beam-Columns with Lateral Loading204

8.7 Beam-Columns in Biaxial Bending205

8.8 Evaluation of Interaction Design Formulae216

8.9 Restrained Beam-Columns218

8.10 Design Trends and Research Needs219

Chapter Nine Thin-Walled Metal Construction227

9.1 Introduction227

9.2 Flexural Members228

9.3 Compression Members242

9.4 Diaphragm Action of Thin-Walled Panels253

9.5 Bracing Requirements254

Chapter Ten Circular Tubes and Shells261

10.1 Introduction261

10.2 Production Practice261

10.3 Material Properties263

10.4 General Buckling Behavior264

10.5 Circular Tubes and Shells Subjected to Axial Compression266

10.6 Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Bending284

10.7 Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Torsion286

10.8 Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Transverse Shear288

10.9 Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Uniform Pressure289

10.10 Cylinders Subjected to Combined Loadings310

10.11 Special Topics318

Chapter Eleven Tapered Structural Members330

11.1 Introduction330

11.2 Frame Analysis331

11.3 Stress Analysis337

11.4 Stability of Tapered Members341

11.5 Development of Axial Compression Formulas343

11.6 Development of Bending Formulas348

11.7 Interaction:Axial Compression and Bending354

11.8 Summary356

Chapter Twelve Columns with Lacing,Battens,or Perforated Cover Plates359

12.1 Introduction359

12.2 Effects of Shear Distortion and Axial Force360

12.3 Laced Structural Members362

12.4 Columns with Battens367

12.5 Tie Plates and Spaced Problems372

12.6 Columns with Perforated Plates376

12.7 Design of Lattice Towers and Masts378

13.1 Introduction381

Chapter Thirteen Mill-Building Columns381

13.2 Effective Length of Stepped Columns383

13.3 Design Procedure for Stepped Columns384

13.4 Design Trends and Research Needs392

Chapter Fourteen Members with Elastic Lateral Restraints394

14.1 Introduction394

14.2 Buckling of the Compression Chord396

14.3 Effect of Secondary Factors on Buckling Load402

14.4 Top-Chord Stresses Due to Bending of Floorbeams and to Initial Chord Eccentricities403

14.5 Design Procedures403

14.7 Guyed Towers407

14.6 Plate Girder with Elastically Braced Compression Flange407

Chapter Fifteen Multistory Frames410

15.1 Introduction410

15.2 Frame Buckling and Frame Instability410

15.3 Methods of Providing Resistance to Lateral Loads414

15.4 Effective-Column-Length Design Procedure414

15.5 Determination of K418

15.6 Column Base Effects on K423

15.7 Modifications of K for Flexible Connections423

15.8 Effects of Residual Stresses and Effective I on the Value of K424

15.9 Floor-Diaphragm Action and Torsional Stability425

15.10 Plastic-Design Procedure426

15.11 P△ Design Procedure430

15.12 Strength of Frames Designed by the Allowable-Stress Method—Comprehensive Studies436

15.13 Frames That Can Be Designed Without Considering Frame Instability442

15.14 Design Examples443

Chapter Sixteen Arches455

16.1 Introduction455

16.2 Elastic In-Plane Buckling Under Loadings That Produce Pure Axial Compression455

16.3 In-Plane Buckling of Arches Under General Loadings463

16.4 Arch-Bending Analysis468

16.5 Shallow Arches469

16.6 The Symmetrical Shallow Arch,Symmetrically Loaded471

16.7 Out-of-Plane Buckling of Curved Members476

16.8 Out-of-Plane Buckling of Members Shaped as Circular Arcs478

16.9 Out-of-Plane Buckling of Parabolic Arches480

16.10 Braced Arches482

16.11 Amplification of Deflections and Stresses Due to Trans-verse Forces483

16.12 Arches of Thin-Walled Open Cross Section484

Chapter Seventeen Stiffened Flat Plates488

17.1 Introduction488

17.2 Methods of Analysis488

17.3 Elastic Buckling of Stiffened-Plate Elements Under Uniaxial Compression489

17.4 Post-Buckling of Longitudinally Stiffened Plates Under Longitudinal Compression494

17.5 Buckling of Orthotropic Plates498

17.6 Combined Compression and Shear504

17.7 Laterally Loaded Plates in Compression507

17.8 Residual Stresses509

17.9 Research Needs512

Chapter Eighteen Shells and Shell-Like Structures514

18.1 Introduction514

18.2 General Buckling—Spherical Shell-Like Structures516

18.3 Local Buckling—Spherical Shell-Like Structures520

18.4 Member Buckling521

18.5 Design Trends and Research Needs522

19.1 Introduction524

Chapter Nineteen Composite Columns524

19.2 Research on Structural Shapes Encased in Concrete526

19.3 Design of Structural Shapes Encased in Concrete529

19.4 Steel-Encased Concrete Column Research(Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes)540

19.5 Design of Steel-Encased Concrete Columns542

19.6 Design Trends and Research Needs547

Appendix A General References552

Appendix B Technical Memoranda of Column Research Council554

Appendix C Column Research Council585

Appendix D Acknowledgments589

Name Index596

Subject Index606
