
涉外海事案例精选 中英对照本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

涉外海事案例精选 中英对照本
  • 上海海事法院编写;郑肇芳主编;高长久,沈满堂副主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海人民出版社
  • ISBN:7208050139
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:481页
  • 文件大小:23MB
  • 文件页数:496页
  • 主题词:海事处理-涉外案件-审判-案例-中国-汉、英


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第一部分 海事诉讼特别程序案例1

.美国沛华公司与中艺国际储运公司江苏公司、江苏飞驰股份有限公司申请海事强制令案 31

.世况航运有限公司申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金案 92

.南京国际货运有限公司申请设立海事赔偿责任限制基金案 163

.中波轮船股份公司诉江苏环球国际货运公司航次租船合同管辖权异议纠纷案 204

第二部分 海商合同纠纷案例5


.北京阳光国际货运有限公司上海分公司诉中国邮电器材集团公司货运代理合同欠款纠纷案 275

.启东市对外贸易公司诉上海飞达国际货运有限公司货运代理合同纠纷案 316


.浙江省纺织品进出口集团公司诉飞驰国际运输(香港)有限公司海上货物运输合同无单放货损害赔偿纠纷案 357

.上海日用玻璃制品公司诉美国通用航空货运有限公司海上货物运输合同无单放货损害赔偿纠纷案 388

.合肥市纺织品进出口有限公司诉香港海泰集运有限公司、上海茂鸿国际货运有限公司海上货物运输合同无单放货损害赔偿纠纷案 429

.中成宁波进出口有限公司诉上海亚太国际集装箱储运有限公司海上货物运输合同无单放货损害赔偿纠纷案 4610

.上海恒益进出口有限公司诉丹沙中福货运代理有限公司海上货物运输合同无单放货损害赔偿纠纷案 5111

.苏州印染总厂诉倩思特航运公司、马士基(中国)航运有限公司、迪慧亚海陆货运有限公司无单放货纠纷案 5512

.德清县新市油厂诉巴拿马蒂娜玫克凯奥有限公司海上货物运输合同货损货差赔偿纠纷案 5813

.美亚保险公司上海分公司诉东方国际集团上海新海航业有限公司、BDP亚洲太平洋有限公司海上货物运输合同货损赔偿纠纷案 6214

.中国人民保险公司上海市分公司诉格林达船舶航运有限公司等海上货物运输合同货损赔偿纠纷案 6715

.南京市粮油食品进出口公司诉希腊赛丽思秀海运集团及塞浦路斯西温航运公司海上货物运输合同货损赔偿纠纷案 7216

.中国人民保险公司金华分公司诉法国达飞轮船有限公司海上货物运输合同纠纷案 7717

.北京实业开发总公司诉中国远洋运输(集团)总公司等海上货物运输合同纠纷案 8118

.上海经贸国际货运实业公司诉美商海陆联运(中国)有限公司海上货物运输合同纠纷案 8719

.中航技国际储运有限责任公司诉美商运通公司海上货物运输合同纠纷案 9220

.美国定航国际货运服务有限公司诉上海华源经济发展公司海上货物运输合同纠纷案 9721

.杭州市轻工工艺纺织品进出口公司诉海陆物流(中国)有限公司海上货物运输合同以及退运合同纠纷案 10022


.上海天原国际货运有限公司诉宁波四联国际贸易有限公司国际多式联运合同拖欠运费及损害赔偿纠纷案 10523

.金东纸业(江苏)有限公司诉瑞克麦斯轮船公司多式联运合同纠纷案 11024


.康地企业有限公司诉中国人民保险公司江西分公司海上货物运输保险合同赔款纠纷案 11425

.上海天原国际货运有限公司诉皇家太阳联合保险公司上海分公司海上保险合同效力及赔偿纠纷案 11926

.上海铭龙国际贸易有限公司诉中保财产保险有限公司上海市分公司海上货物保险合同纠纷案 12427

.中国抽纱上海进出口公司诉中国太平洋保险公司上海分公司海上货物运输保险合同纠纷案 12828

.宁波市粮油食品进出口公司诉中保财产保险有限公司上海分公司海上货物保险合同纠纷案 13429

.赫尔微底亚瑞士保险公司诉上海新兴技术开发联合发展有限公司海上货物运输保险合同代位求偿纠纷案 13930

.天安保险股份有限公司诉上海市通联运输实业总公司浦东公司水上货物运输合同代位求偿纠纷案 14431

.美国陈氏公司诉中国太平洋保险公司上海分公司船舶保险合同纠纷案 14832


.德国再建设银行诉阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布达比集装箱航运公司船舶抵押贷款合同欠款纠纷案 15433

第三部分 海事侵权纠纷案例34

.牟炳莉诉吉达美人鱼航运有限公司、瑞航国际有限公司海上人身伤亡损害赔偿纠纷案 15934

.亚马大益卡埃琳达斯公司诉三善海运株式会社错误申请扣船损害赔偿纠纷案 16335

.塞浦路斯斯达迪船务有限公司诉中海发展股份有限公司船舶碰撞损害赔偿纠纷案 16736

.中国太平洋保险公司上海分公司诉深圳市万蓬海运有限公司海上拖航损害赔偿纠纷案 17237

English 英文1


Cases Concerning the Special Procedure of Maritime Litigation1

.Case of Application by Pan Pacific Express Corp.,U.S.A.for Order of Enforcement against Zhong Yi International Warehousing and Forwarding Company and Jiangsu Fei Chi Holding Co.,Ltd. 1791

.Case of Application by Sekwang Shipping Co.,Ltd.for Establishment of Fund for Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1902

.Case of Application by Nanjing International Freight Co.,Ltd.for Establishment of Fund for Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 2053

.Case of Dispute over Difference in Jurisdiction of Voyage Charter Party by Chipolbrok Against Nanjing International Freight Co.,Ltd. 2124


Cases of Maritime Contract Disputes5

Ⅰ Disputes over Freight Forwarder Contracts5

.Litigation on Dispute on Arrearage over Forwarding Agency Contract Filed by Beijing Sunshine Freight Int'l Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Branch Against China National Postal and Telecommunications Appliances Corporation 2235

.Litigation on Dispute over Forwarding Agency Contract Filed by Foreign Trade Co.of Qidong City Against Shanghai Feida International Shipping Co.,Ltd. 2296

Ⅱ Disputes over Contracts of Carrige of goods by Sea7

.Zhejiang Province Textile Import and Export Group Company vs.Feichi International Transportation(Hong Kong)Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over Damage Compensation for Delivery without Presentation of a Bill of Lading Under the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 2357

.Shanghai Daily Glassware Company vs.U.S.General Air Freight Consolidators Inc.in Connection with the Dispute over Damage Compensation for Delivery without Presentation of a Bill of Lading under the Contract of Cairiage of Goods by Sea 2418

.Hefei Textiles Import and Export Co.,Ltd.vs.Hong Kong Haitai Containership Transport Co.,Ltd.and Shanghai Maohong International Cargo Transportation Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over Damage Compensation for Delivery without Presentation of a Bill of Lading Under Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 2489

.Zhongcheng Ningbo Import and Export Co.,Ltd.vs. Shanghai Asia Pacific International Containership Warehousing and Transport Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over Damage Compensation for Delivery without Presentation of a Bill of Lading Under Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 25610

.Shanghai Hengyi Import and Export Co.,Ltd.vs.Dansha Zhongfu Forwarding Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over Damage Compensation for Delivery without Presentation of a Bill of Lading under a Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 26411

.Suzhou Printing and Dyeing Corporation vs.Qiansite Shipping Company,Maersk(China)Shipping Co.,Ltd.and Dihuiya Ocean and Land Cargo Transportation Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over Delivery without Presentation of a Bill of Lading 27212

.Deqing Xinshi Oils Factory vs.Dynamic Care S.A.Panama in Connection with the Dispute over Cargo Damage and Cargo Shortage under the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 27813

.Meiya Insurance Company Shanghai Branch vs.Oriental International Group Shanghai Xinhai Shipping Co.,Ltd. and BDP Asia-Pacific Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over Cargo Damage under the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 28614

.PICC Shanghai Branch vs.Grand Fleet Navigation Ltd.and Others in Connection with the Dispute over Compensation for Cargo Damage Under the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 29515

.Nanjing Cereal,Oil and Foodstuff Import and Export Corporation vs.Celestial Maritime Corporation,Greece,and Seaone Shipping Ltd.,Cyprus,in Connection with the Dispute over Compensation for Cargo Damage under the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 30316

.PICC Jinhua Branch vs.CMA CGM S.A.,France in Connection with the Dispute over the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 31217

.Beijing Industrial Development Corporation vs.China Ocean Shipping(Group)Corporation and Guangzhou Ocean Shipping Company in Connection with the Dispute over the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 32018

.Shanghai Economic and Trade International Cargo Transportation and Industrial Company vs.U.S.Sea and Land Combined Transport(China)Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 33119

.China Hangji International Warehousing and Transportation Co.,Ltd.vs.American Express,U.S.A.in Connection with the Dispute over the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 33920

.Dinghang International Cargo Service Co.,Ltd.,U.S.A.vs.Shanghai Huayuan Economic Development Company in Connec-tion with the Dispute over the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea 34721

.Hangzhou Light Industrial Products,Handicraft and Textiles Import and Export Company vs.Sea and Land Logistics(China)Co.,Ltd.in Connection with the Dispute over the Contract of Carriage of Goods by Sea and the Contract of Return Shipment 35322

Ⅲ Disputes over Multimodel Transportation Contracts23

Case of Dispute over International Multimodal Transport Contract from Delay in Freight and Indemnity by Shanghai Air Sea Transport Inc.against Ningbo Si Lian International Trading Co.,Ltd. 36223

.Case of Dispute over Multimodal Transport Contract by Jin Dong Paper Industry(Jiangsu)Co.,Ltd.against Rickmers-Linie GmbH 37024

Ⅳ Disputes over Marine Insurance Contracts25

.Case of Indemnity Dispute on Insurance Contract of Maritime Cargo Transportation by Kang Di Business Co.,Ltd.against China People's Insurance Company 37825

.Case of Dispute on Effect and Indemnity over Insurance Contract of Maritime Cargo Transportation by Shanghai Air Sea Transport Inc.against Royal Sun United Insurance Company Shanghai Branch 38626

.Case of Dispute over Marine Cargo Insurance Contract by Shanghai Ming Long International Trade Co.,Ltd.against Zhong Bao Property Insurance Co.,Ltd.Shanghai Branch 39427

.Case of Dispute over Marine Cargo Insurance Contract by China Drawnwork Shanghai Import & Export Company against China Pacific Insurance Corporation Shanghai Branch 40128

.Case of Dispute over Marine Cargo Insurance Contract by Ningbo Grain,Oil and Foodstuffs Import & Export Company against Zhong Bao Property Insurance Co.,Ltd. Shanghai Branch 41129

.Case of Subrogation Dispute over Marine Cargo Transport Insurance Contract by Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft against Shanghai Xin Xing Technological Development United Development Co.,Ltd. 41930

.Case of Subrogation Dispute over Contract of Cargo Transportation by Waterway by Tian An Insurance Inc.against Shanghai Tong Lian Transport Industrial Company Pudong Branch 42831

Case of Dispute over Hull Insurance Contract by U.S.Chenco International Inc.against China Pacific Insurance Corporation Shanghai Branch 43532

Ⅴ Other Maritime Contract Disputes33

.Dispute on Arrearage Concerning Vessel Mortgage Loan Contract by German Reconstruction Bank against ABU Dhabi Container Lines P.J.S.C.of United Arab Emirates 44533


Cases of Disputes over Marine Casualty or Wrongful Detention34

Case of Indemnity Dispute over Maritime Human Death & Injury by Mou Binli against Jet Mermaid Shipping Ltd.and Swiss International Airline Co.,Ltd. 45334

.Case of Indemnity Dispute over Wrong Application for Detention of Ship by Yamada Yeca Lindas Company against San Shan Freight Co.,Ltd. 46035

.Case of Indemnity Dispute over Ship Collision by Cyprus Stardy Shipping Co.,Ltd.against Zhong Hai Development Co.,Ltd. 46636

.Case of Indemnity Dispute over Marine Towing Damage by China Pacific Insurance Corporation Shanghai Branch against Shenzhen Wanpeng Marine Transport Co.,Ltd. 47537
