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- (美)(P.K.沃纳)Patricia K.Werner,(美)(J.P.纳尔逊)John P.Nelson编;杨俊峰,曹连广编译 著
- 出版社: 沈阳:辽宁教育出版社;美国麦克希尔出版公司
- ISBN:7538254714
- 出版时间:1999
- 标注页数:460页
- 文件大小:49MB
- 文件页数:476页
- 主题词:
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CHAPTER one 第一章 Language and Learning 语言和学习1
TOPIC ONE The Sentence and Its Parts2
A.Parts of Speech3
D.Verbs,Objects,and Complements5
E.Preview of the Tense System6
TOPIC TWO The Simple Tenses9
A.The Simple Tenses:An Overview10
B.The Simple Present Tense10
C.Special Uses of the Simple Present Tense11
D.The Simple Future and Be Going To12
E.The Simple Past Tense14
F.The Habitual Past:Would+Simple Form and Used To+Simple Form15
TOPIC THREE The ContinuousTenses18
A.The Continuous Tenses:An Overview18
B.The Present Continuous Tense19
C.The Past Continuous Tense21
D.The Future Continuous Tense23
TOPIC FOUR The Perfect and Perfect Continuous Tenses and Verb Tense Review25
A.The Perfect Tenses:An Overview26
B.The Present Perfect Tense27
C.The Perfect Continuous Tenses:An Overview28
D.The Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Tenses29
E.The Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous Tenses30
F.The Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous Tenses33
TOPIC FIVE Modal Auxiliaries38
A.Introduction to Modal Auxiliaries39
B.Ability and Potential with Can,Could,and Be Able To40
C.Advice and Suggestions with Had Better,Should (Have),Ought To(Have),Could(Have),and Might(Have)41
D.Expectations with Ought To and Should42
E.Need or Obligation with Must,Have To,and Have Got To43
F.Lack of Need with Not Have To43
G.Possibility with May (Have),Might (Have),and Could (Have)44
H.Probability with Must (Have)44
I.Preferences with Would (Have)46
J.Requests and Permission with Can,Could,May,Will,and Would47
K.Introduction to Focus on Testing51
focus on testing:verb tenses51
CHAPTER two 第二章 Danger and Daring 危险和冒险53
TOPIC ONE Review of Nouns,Pronouns,and Possessive Adjectives55
A.Introduction to Nouns56
B.Count Nouns56
C.Noncount Nouns58
D.Nouns That Are Both Count and Noncount59
E.Personal Pronouns and Possesive Adjectives61
focus on testing:pronoun usage62
TOPIC TWO Indefinite Articles and Quantifiers63
A.Indefinite Articles64
B.Units of Measurement67
C.Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns68
TOPIC THREE The Definite Article(1)70
A.The Definite Article with Count Nouns71
B.The Definite Article with Noncount Nouns72
C.The with Quantifiers74
D.Quantifiers and Subject/Verb Agreement75
E.The Number ofVersus A Number of:Subject/Verb Agreement77
F.Two-Part Subjects:Subject/Verb Agreement78
TOPIC FOUR The Definite Article(2)80
TOPIC FIVE Problem Areas with Nouns85
A.Word Order with Noun Modifiers86
B.Collective Nouns:Agreement with Verbs and Pronouns87
C.Subject/Verb Word Order with"Negative"Adverbs89
D.Parallel Structu re with Nouns and Noun Modifiers90
focus on testing:noun usage92
CHAPTER three 第三章 Man and Woman 男人和女人93
TOPIC ONE Commands and Exclamations94
TOPIC TWO Compound Sentences98
A.Coordinating Conjunctions with Clauses98
B.Coo rdinating Conjunctions with Words and Phrases101
C.Correlative Conjunctions103
TOPIC THREE Transitions107
TOPIC FOUR Complex Sentences111
A.Complex Sentences:An Overview113
B.Complex Sentences:Focus117
TOPIC FIVE Sentence Problems119
A.Comma Splices and Run-On Sentences120
focus on testing:compound and complex sentences124
CHAPTER four 第四章 Mysteries Past and Present 古今之谜125
TOPIC ONE Adjective Clauses:Restrictive Versus Nonrestrictive126
A.Introduction to Adjective Clauses128
B.Restrictive versus Non restrictive Adjective Clauses128
TOPIC TWO Adjective Clauses:Replacement of Subjects132
A.Clauses with Who,Which,or That133
B.Clauses with Whose134
TOPIC THREE Adjective Clauses:Replacement of Objects137
A.Clauseswith Whom,Which,or That(1)138
B.Clauseswith Whom,Which,or That(2)140
C.Clauses with Whose142
TOPIC FOUR Other Adjective Clause Constructions144
A.Clauses with When and Where145
B.Nonrestrictive Adjective Clauses and Expressions of Quantity147
C.Adjective Clauses and Subject/Verb Agreement148
TOPIC FIVE Review of Chapters One to Four151
focus on testing:review of problem areas from chapters one to four154
CHAPTER five 第五章 Transitions 人生转折157
TOPIC ONE Clauses and Related Structu res ofTime:Future Time159
A.Transitions of Sequence160
B.Time Clauses with the Present,Present Perfect,and Future Tenses162
C.Time Clauses with the Simple Present and Future Perfect(Continuous)Tenses163
D.Punctuation of Adverb Clauses and Ph rases163
TOPIC TWO Clauses and Related Structu res of Time:Present and Unspecified Time167
TOPIC THREE Clauses and Related Structu res of Cause and Result173
TOPIC FOUR Clauses and Related Structu res ofTime:Past Time180
A.Time Clauses and Ph rases with the Simple Past and Past Perfect Tenses181
B.Time Clauses and Ph rases with the Simple Past and Past Continuous Tenses182
focus on testing:connecting words and use of tenses189
CHAPTER six 第六章 The Mind 大脑191
TOPIC ONE Clauses and Related Structures of Contrast 1 Concession193
TOPIC TWO Clauses and Related Structures of Contrast 2 Opposition199
TOPIC THREE Clauses and Ph rases of Purpose206
TOPIC FOUR Clauses and Related Structures of Compa rison210
A.Compa rative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs211
B.Clauses and Phrases Showing Comparison212
TOPIC FIVE Clauses of Result217
focus on testing:adverb clauses and related structures224
CHAPTER seven 第七章 Working 工作227
TOPIC ONE Clauses with That;Reported Speech229
A.Introduction to Noun Clauses230
B.Quotations Versus Reported Speech232
C.Changes in Verb Tense with Reported Speech232
D.Changes in Modal Auxiliaries with Reported Speech233
E.Changes in Pronouns,Adjectives,and Adverbials with Reported Speech234
F.Changing Commands to Reported Speech234
TOPIC TWO Clauses with Embedded Questions236
A.Clauses with Embedded Questions237
B.Clauses with If and Whether238
TOPIC THREE Statements and Requests of Urgency242
A.Statements of Urgency with That243
B.Urgent Requests with That244
TOPIC FOUR Clauses as Subjects of Sentences247
A.Clauses as Subjects of Sentences248
B.Anticipatory It and Clauses with That249
TOPIC FIVE Reduction of Clauses to Infinitive Ph rases253
A.Reduction of That Clauses in the Subjunctive Mood254
B.Reduction of Indirect Commands,Requests,and Embedded Questions256
focus on testing:noun clauses and noun clause reductions260
CHAPTER eight 第八章 Breakthroughs 突破263
TOPIC ONE The Simple Tenses265
A.Introduction to the Passive Voice266
B.The Simple Tenses267
D.Common Expressions in the Passive Voice270
E.Get+Adjective or Past Participle271
F.Anticipatory It272
TOPIC TWO The Perfect Tenses275
TOPIC THREE The Continuous Tenses282
TOPIC FOUR The Modal Auxiliaries287
focus on testing:use of the passive voice295
TOPIC FIVE Review of Chapters Five to Eight296
focus on testing:review of problem areas from chapters five to eight301
CHAPTER nine 第九章 Art and Entertainment 艺术和娱乐303
TOPIC ONE Gerunds305
A.Functions of Gerunds306
B.Gerunds as Objects of Prepositions306
D.Geru nds as Objects of Verbs309
E.Subjects of Gerunds310
F.Direct Objects of Gerunds311
TOPIC TWO Infinitives313
A.Functions of Infinitives314
B.Infinitives as Objects of Verbs314
C.Verbs That May Be Followed by(Pro)nouns and Infinitives315
D.Verbs That Must Be Followed by a(Pro)noun Object Before an Infinitive316
E.Adverbs,Adjectives,and Nouns Followed by Infinitives319
TOPIC THREE Verbs Followed by Either Infinitives or Gerunds323
TOPIC FOUR Infinitives and Gerunds as Subjects and Complements;Parallelism331
A.Infinitives and Gerunds as Subjects and Complements332
focus on testing:use of infinitives and gerunds336
CHAPTER ten 第十章 Ethical Questions 伦理问题339
TOPIC ONE Hope Versus Wish341
A.Hope Versus Wish341
B.Subjunctive Forms with Wish342
TOPIC TWO Imaginary Conditions:Present and Unspecified Time345
A.Otherwise:Present Time346
B.Imagina ry Conditions:Present and Unspecified Time347
C.Imaginary Conditions with Should or Were+Infinitive352
TOPIC THREE Perfect Modal Auxiliaries354
TOPIC FOUR Imaginary Conditions:Past and Present Time360
A.Otherwise:Past Time361
B.Imaginary Conditions:Past Time362
C.Imaginary Conditions:Past and Present Time364
focus on testing:use of subjunctive and conditional forms367
TOPIC FIVE Factual Conditions:Present,Futu re,and Unspecified Time368
A.Factual Conditions:Present o r Unspecified time370
B.Factual Conditions:Future Time371
CHAPTER eleven 第十一章 Medicine 医药375
TOPIC ONE Adjective Clause to Phrase Reduction376
A.Introduction to Pa rticipial Ph rases378
B.Reduction of Adjective Clauses with Verbs in the Active Voice378
C.Reduction of Adjective Clauses with Simple-Tense Verbs in the Passive Voice379
D.Reduction of Adjective Clauses with Continuous-Tense Verbs in the Passive Voice380
E.Reduction of Adjective Clauses with Verbs in Perfect Tenses381
F.Review of Restrictive and Non restrictive Adjective Clauses383
G.Placement of Nonrestrictive Pa rticipial Clauses383
TOPIC TWO Verbs Followed by Participial Constructions;The Verbs Lay/Lie,Raise/Rise385
A.Verbs with Two-Part Objects386
B.Verbs of Perception387
C.By with Phrases of Means or Manner389
TOPIC THREE Adverb Clause to Ph rase Reduction392
A.Adverb Clause to Phrase Reduction393
B.Elliptical Phrases394
C.Dangling Phrases396
TOPIC FOUR Causative and Structu rally Related Verbs398
focus on testing:use of participial phrases and related structures405
CHAPTER twelve 第十二章 The Future 未来407
TOPIC ONE Passive,Continuous,and Perfect Infinitives409
A.Review of Active and Passive Forms of Simple Infinitives410
B.Pe rfect and Continuous Forms of Active Infinitives411
C.More Verbs Followed by Infinitive Objects413
TOPIC TWO Passive and Perfect Gerunds418
A.Review of Active and Passive Forms of Simple Gerunds419
B.Perfect Forms of Gerunds420
C.More Verbs Followed by Gerund Objects423
focus on testing:use ofgerunds and infinitives426
focus on testing:review of problem areas from chapters nine to twelve434
Appendix 附录437
Index 索引454
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