

  • 程国强著 著
  • 出版社: 中国经济出版社
  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:2001
  • 标注页数:159页
  • 文件大小:8MB
  • 文件页数:189页
  • 主题词:


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1.1 Objectives1

Chapter Ⅰ1

1.2 Background2

1.3 Review of Previous Studies3

1.4 Scope of this Study6

1.5 Structure of the Report7


1-1 Milk Equivalent7

Chapter Ⅱ8

Dairy Production in China8

2.1 Raw Milk Production8

2.1.1 Introduction8


2-2 Milk Production by Species9

2-1 China's Milk Production9

2-1 World Milk Production,199810

2.1.2 Production Structure10

2-3 Milk Animals in China,198811

2.1.3 Regional Distribution11

2-4 Regional Distribution of Raw Milk Production in China,199812

2.2.1 Overview13

2.2 Dairy Processing Industry13

2-6 Regional Distribution of Dairy Processing14

2-5 Milk Utilization in China14

2.2.2 Current Situation15

2-2 Output of Processed Dairy Products15

2.2.3 Processing Enterprises16

2.3 Production Cost of Raw Milk17

2.4 Price of Dairy Products18

2.4.1 Purchasing Price of Raw Milk18

2-7 Composition of Production Cost18

2.4.2 Delivery Price of Processed Dairy Products19

2-8 Purchasing Prices of Raw Milk in Different Regions19

2-9 Delivery Price of Dairy Products in China20

3.1 Overview21

3.1.1 Amount of Consumption21

Chapter Ⅲ21

Dairy Consumption in China21

3-1 Total Dairy Consumption in China22

3-2 Annual Per Capita Dairy Consumption in China23

3-1 Annual Per Capita Dairy Consumption in Different Regions of the World23

3.1.2 Features of Consumption23

3-2 Dairy Consumption of Households24

3-3 Per Capita Dairy Expenditure of Urban Households25

3-3 Dairy Consumption of Rural Household25

3.2 Factors Affecting Dairy Consumption26

3.2.1 Price26

3-4 Demand Elasticity of Dairy Products27

3.2.2 Income27

3-6 Income Elasticity of Various Dairy Products28

3-5 Per Capita Expenditure of Households by Monthly Income28

3.2.3 Tastes29

3-4 Dairy Consumption Composition,199829

3.2.4 Age30

3-7 Monthly Per Capita Dairy Consumption by Age30

3-5 Per Capita Dairy Consumption of Urban Households by Regions,199831

3.2.5 Region31

3.3 Consumption Trends32

3.4 Conclusions34

4.1 Overview36

Trade of Dairy Products in China36

Chapter Ⅳ36

4-1 China's Dairy Commodities Detailed Catalogue37

4-1 China Dairy Trade37

4.2 Commodity Mix of Trade37

4-2 Import Share of Dairy Products,1996~1 998 Average39

4-3 Export Share of Dairy Products,1996~1998 Average39

4.3.1 Non-concentrated Milk(0401)40

4.3 Markets of Foreign Trade40

4-4 Non-concentrated Milk Export Share,1996~1998 Average40

4-5 Non-concentrated Milk Import Share,1996~1998 Average41

4.3.2 Solid Milk and Cream(0402)41

4-6 Solid Concentrated Milk Export Share,1996~1998 Average42

4-7 Solid Concentrated Milk Import Share,1996~1998 Average42

4.3.3 Yogurt and Fermented Milk and Cream(0403)42

4-8 Yogurt and Fermented Products Import Share,1996~1998 Average43

4.3.4 Whey and Natural Dairy Products(0404)43

4-9 Whey and Natural Dairy Products Export Share,1996~1998 Average44

4-10 Whey and Natural Dairy Products Import Share,1996~1998 Average44

4.3.5 Butter and Dairy Spread(0405)44

4-11 Butter and Dairy Spread Import Share,1996~1998 Average45

4-12 Cheese and Curd Import Share,1996~1998 Average45

4.3.6 Cheese and Curd(0406)45

Dairy Policies in China47

5.1 Domestic Supporting Policies47

5.1.1 Background47

Chapter Ⅴ47

5.1.2 Reforming Operational Regime48

5.1.3 Regional Development Policies of Milk Animals49

5.1.4 Feedings Provision Policies51

5.1.5 Price Policy52

5.1.6 Scientific Research Policy53

5.1.7 Technical Extension Systems55

5.2 Administrative System56

5.3 Processing and Marketing Policies57

5.4 Trade Policy59

5-1 China's Tariff Rate on Dairy Import60

6.1.1 Dairy Production62

6.1 Dairy Production,Consumption and Trade of World62

Trade Liberalization in the World Dairy Sector62

Chapter Ⅵ62

6-1 World Raw Milk Production by Species63

6-2 World Raw Milk Production63

6.1.2 Dairy Consumption64

6.1.3 International Trade of Dairy Products64

6-3 World Dairy Export Share,1994 1996 Average65

6-4 World Dairy Import Share,1994~1996 Average66

6.2 International Dairy Policies66

6.2.1 EU67

6-1 Intervention/Target Price of Milk and Milk Products in EU69

6.2.2 The United States70

6.2.4 Australia and New Zealand71

6.2.3 Canada71

6.3 Trade Liberalization of World Dairy Sector72

6-2 Prices Stipulated in the International Dairy Arrangement73

6.3.1 WTO Agreement on Agriculture73

6-3 Agriculture Protection Reduction Enshrined in AoA74

6.3.2 Liberalization of Dairy Industry under WTO74

6-4 TRQ Commitment for WTO members under the URA75

6-5 EU Commitment on Export Subsidies of Dairy Products76

6.3.3 Liberalization of Dairy Sector under Regional Agreement76

7.1.2 Policy variables78

Chapter Ⅶ78

CATP Model78

7.1 Description of CATP Model78

7.1.1 Objectives78

7.1.3 Rationale79

7-1 Products and Regional Coverage of CATP Model81

7-1 Rationale of CATP Model82

7.2 Demand Model83

7.2.1 Food Demand Model83

7.2.2 Feed Grain Demand Model85

7.3 Supply Model86

7.3.1 Supply Model of Crop Products86

7.3.2 Supply Model of Husbandry and Aquatic Production88

7.4 Trade Model88

7.5 Equilibrium Model89

7.6 Date Sources89

7.7 Limitations of the CATP Model91

Chapter Ⅷ93

The Impact of China's Accession into WTO on Its Dairy Sector93

8.1.1 Tariff Reduction of Agricultural Products93

8.1 China's WTO Accession Negotiations on Agriculture93

8.1.2 TRQ Administration in China94

8.2 Major Assumptions94

8.3 Scenarios96

8-1 Tariff Reduction Commitment of Dairy Products Made by China96

8-2 Scenarios Design98

8.4 Simulation Results99

8-2 The Impact on Dairy Production Value100

8-1 The Impact on Dairy Production100

8-3 The Impact on Dairy Producer Price101

8-4 The Impact on Dairy Consumer Price102

8-7 The Impact on Per Capita Dairy Consumption of Rural Households103

8-6 The Impact on Per Capita Dairy Consumption of Urban Households103

8-5 The Impact on Total Dairy Consumption103

8-8 The Impact on Net Dairy Import104

8-9 The Impact on Dairy Import105

8-10 The Impact on Dairy Export105

8-3 Impact of Trade Liberalization on China's Dairy Industry106

8-4 Prospects of China's Dairy Production,Consumption and Trade under Different Scenarios107

8-5 Growth Rate of China's Dairy Production,Consumption and Trade108

Chapter Ⅸ109

Conclusions and Recommendations109

9.1 Conclusions109

9.2 Policy Recommendations112


Appendix Ⅰ:Survey on Dairy Consumption121

A1-1 Regional and Provincial Distribution of Samples124

A1-2 Distributions of Samples among Cities in China124

A1-3 Monthly Income of Sampled Households in the Eight Cities125

A1-4 Age Distribution of Sampled Households'Members126

A1-5 Profession Distribution of the Sampled Households Masters126

A1-6 Education Distribution of Female Masters of Sampled Households127

A2-1 Demand Elasticity of Chinese Urban Household for Agricultural Products,1998128

Appendix Ⅱ:Data of CATP Model128

A2-2 Demand Elasticity of Chinese Rural Household for Agricultural Products,1998129

A2-3 Predict of Dairy Producer's Consumer's Price of China130

Appendix Ⅲ:The Sensitivity Testing of Dairy Consumption Estimation131

A3-1 Sensitivity Testing of Dairy Consumption in Baseline Scenario133

A3-2 Sensitivity Testing of Dairy Consumption in WTO Ⅰ Scenario135

A3-3 Sensitivity Testing of Dairy Consumption in WTO Ⅱ Scenario137

Appendix Ⅳ:The World Dairy Sector-Impact of Trade Reforms139

A4-1 Regional Aggregation of the GTAP Database142

A4-2 Projection Rates 1995~2005,Percentage Change144

A4-3 Income Elasticity for Selected Countries/Regions145

A4-4 World Market Prices(Export Price Index)147

A4-5 Production of Dairy Products148

A4-6 Import of Dairy Products by Region150

A4-7 Effect on Welfare(Equivalent Variation)152

Appendix Ⅴ:Trade of Dairy Products in China155

A5-1 Import of Dairy Products,1991~1998155

A5-2 Export of Dairy Products,1991~1998157

Appendix Ⅵ:Dairy Production in China158

A6-1 Milk Output of China by Province158
