
人体系统解剖学实物图谱 中英文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

人体系统解剖学实物图谱 中英文本
  • 陈尔瑜,张传森,党瑞山主编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:第二军医大学出版社
  • ISBN:7810605240
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:242页
  • 文件大小:52MB
  • 文件页数:261页
  • 主题词:系统解剖学-图谱


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人体系统解剖学实物图谱 中英文本PDF格式电子书版下载


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第一部分 运动系统1

1-1 全身骨骼Skeleton as a Whole1


1-2 骨的构造Structure of Bone2

1-3 骨质Bony Substance2

1-4 骨的理化性质Physical and Chemical Properties of Bone2

1-5 典型椎骨(胸椎上面)Typical Vertebra(Superior Aspect of Thoracic Vertebra)3

1-6 典型椎骨(胸椎外侧面)Typical Vertebra(Lateral Aspect of Thoracic Vertebra)3

1-7 颈椎(上面)Cervical Vertebra(Superior Aspect)3

1-8 寰椎(上面)Atlas(Superior Aspect)4

1-9 寰椎(下面)Atlas(Inferior Aspect)4

1-10 枢椎(前面)Axis(Anterior Aspect)4

1-11 枢椎(后面)Axis(Posterior Aspect)4

1-14 腰椎(上面)Lumbar Vertebra(Superior Aspect)5

1-15 腰椎(外侧面)Lumbar Vertebra(Lateral Aspect)5

1-13 隆椎(上外侧面)Vertebra Prominens(Superolateral Aspect)5

1-12 隆椎(上面)Vertebra Prominens(Superior Aspect)5

1-16 骶骨(前面)Sacrum(Anterior Surface)6

1-17 骶骨(后面)Sacrum(Posterior Surface)6

1-18 骶骨(前外侧面)Sacrum(Anterolateral Aspect)7

1-19 尾骨(前面)Coccyx(Anterior Surface)7

1-20 尾骨(后面)Coccyx(Posterior Surface)7

1-21 胸骨(前面)Sternum(Anterior Aspect)8

1-22 胸骨(外侧面)Sternum(Lateral Aspect)8

1-23 肋骨Costal Bones8

1-24 分离颅骨Seperated Skull9

1-25 额骨(外面)Frontal Bone(External Aspect)10

1-26 额骨(内面)Frontal Bone(Internal Aspect)10

1-28 筛骨(外侧面)Ethmoid Bone(Lateral Aspect)11

1-29 筛骨(上面)Ethmoid Bone(Superior Aspect)11

1-27 筛骨(前面)Ethmoid Bone(Anterior Aspect)11

1-30 蝶骨(前面)Sphenoid Bone(Anterior Aspect)12

1-31 蝶骨(上面)Sphenoid Bone(Superior Aspect)12

1-32 蝶骨(后面)Sphenoid Bone(Posterior Aspect)13

1-33 颞骨(外面)Temporal Bone(External Aspect)13

1-34 颞骨(内面)Temporal Bone(Internal Aspect)14

1-35 颞骨(下面)Temporal Bone(Inferior Aspect)14

1-36 枕骨(外面)Occipital Bone(External Aspect)15

1-37 枕骨(内面)Occipital Bone(Internal Aspect)15

1-38 顶骨(外面)Parietal Bone(External Aspect)16

1-39 顶骨(内面)Parietal Bone(Internal Aspect)16

1-40 下颌骨(前外侧面)Mandible(Anterolateral Aspect)16

1-41 下颌骨(内、外面)Mandible(Internal and External Aspect)17

1-42 舌骨(前面)Hyoid Bone(Anterior Aspect)17

1-43 舌骨(后面)Hyoid Bone(Posterior Aspect)17

1-46 上颌骨(前面)Maxilla(Anterior Aspect)18

1-44 犁骨(后面)Vomer(Posterior Aspect)18

1-45 犁骨(外侧面)Vomer(Lateral Aspect)18

1-47 上颌骨(外侧面)Maxilla(Lateral Aspect)19

1-48 上颌骨(内侧面)Maxilla(Medial Aspect)19

1-49 腭骨(后面)Palatine Bone(Posterior Aspect)20

1-50 腭骨(内侧面)Palatine Bone(Medial Aspect)20

1-51 颅顶(外面)Clavaria(External Aspect)20

1-52 颅顶(内面)Clavaria(Internal Aspect)20

1-53 颅底(内面)Base of Skull(Internal Aspect)21

1-54 颅底(外面)Base of Skull(External Aspect)22

1-55 颅骨(外侧面)Skull(Lateral Aspect)23

1-56 涂色颅骨(外侧面)Painted Skull(Lateral Aspect)23

1-57 翼腭窝Pterygopalatine Fossa24

1-58 颅骨(前面)Skull(Anterior Aspect)24

1-59 涂色颅骨(前面)Painted Skull(Anterior Aspect)25

1-60 眶Orbit25

1-62 鼻腔外侧壁Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity26

1-61 骨鼻中隔Bony Septum of Nose26

1-63 新生儿颅(前面)Skull of Newborn(Anterior Aspect)27

1-64 新生儿颅(外侧面)Skull of Newborn(Lateral Aspect)27

1-65 新生儿颅(上面)Skull of Newborn(Superior Aspect)27

1-66 锁骨Clavicle28

1-67 肩胛骨(前面)Scapula(Anterior Aspect)28

1-68 肩胛骨(后面)Scapula(Posterior Aspect)28

1-69 肱骨Humerus29

1-70 尺、桡骨(前面)Ulna and Radius(Anterior Aspect)30

1-71 尺、桡骨(后面)Ulna and Radius(Posterior Aspect)30

1-72 手骨(前面)Bones of Hand(Anterior Aspect)31

1-73 手骨(后面)Bones of Hand(Posterior Aspect)31

1-74 髋骨(外面)Hip Bone(External Aspect)32

1-75 髋骨(内面)Hip Bone(Internal Aspect)32

1-77 幼儿髋骨(内面)Hip Bone of Infant(Internal Aspect)33

1-76 幼儿髋骨(外面)Hip Bone of Infant(External Aspect)33

1-79 股骨Femur34

1-79 股骨距Femoral Calcar34

1-80 髌骨Patella34

1-81 胫、腓骨(前面)Tibia and Fibula(Anterior Aspect)35

1-82 胫、腓骨(后面)Tibia and Fibula(Posterior Aspect)35

1-83 足骨(背侧面)Bones of Foot(Dorsal Aspect)36

1-84 足骨(跖侧面)Bones ofFoot(Plantar Aspect)36

1-85 滑膜关节的基本结构Essential Structures of Synovial Joint37

1-86 滑膜关节的辅助结构Accessory Structures of Synovial Joint37

1-87 椎骨间连结Intervertebral Articulations38

1-88 椎间盘(前上面)Intervertebral Disc(Anterosuperior Aspect)38

1-89 椎间盘(上面)Intervertebral Disc(Superior Aspect)38

1-92 寰枕、寰枢关节Atlantooccipital and Atlantoaxial Joints39

1-93 寰枢关节(后面)Atlantoaxial Joints(Posterior Aspect)39

1-91 寰椎十字韧带Cruciform Ligament of Atlas39

1-90 项韧带Ligamentum Nuchae39

1-94 脊柱(前、侧、后面)Vertebral Column(Anterior,Lateral and Posterior Aspect)40

1-95 肋椎关节Costovertebral Joints41

1-96 胸肋、胸锁关节Sternocostal and Sternoclavicular Joints41

1-97 胸廓(前面)Thoracic Cage(Anterior Aspect)42

1-98 胸廓(后面)Thoracic Cage(Posterior Aspect)43

1-99 颞下颌关节Temporomandibular Joint44

1-100 肩关节(前面)Shoulder Joint(Anterior Aspect)44

1-101 肩关节(剖开)Shoulder Joint(Sectioned)45

1-102 肘关节(打开)Elbow Joint(Opened)45

1-103 肘关节(剖开)Elbow Joint(Sectioned)45

1-104 前臂骨间膜Interosseous Membrane of Forearm45

1-105 手关节(前面)Joints of Hand(Anterior Aspect)46

1-106 手关节(冠状切面)Joinis of Hand(Coronal Section)46

1-109 女性耻骨联合Female Pubic Symphysis47

1-108 女性骨盆Female Pelvis47

1-107 男性骨盆Male Pelvis47

1-110 骨盆的韧带(内面)Pelvic Ligaments(Internal Aspect)48

1-111 骨盆的韧带(外面)Pelvic Ligaments(External Aspect)48

1-112 髋关节(前面)Hip Joint(Anterior Aspect)49

1-113 髋关节(打开)Hip Joint(Opened)49

1-114 髋关节(冠状切面)Hip Joint(Coronal Section)49

1-115 髋关节(后面)Hip Joint(Posterior Aspect)49

1-118 膝关节内结构Internal Structures of Knee Joint50

1-117 膝关节(后面)Knee Joint(Posterior Aspect)50

1-116 膝关节(前面)Knee Joint(Anterior Aspect)50

1-119 膝关节(矢状切面)Knee Joint(Sagittal Section)51

1-120 半月板Meniscus51

1-121 足的韧带(背侧面)Ligaments of Foot(Dorsal Aspect)52

1-122 足的韧带(内侧面)Ligaments of Foot(Medial Aspect)52

1-123 足的韧带(外侧面)Ligaments of Foot(Lateral Aspect)53

1-124 足的关节(剖面)Joints of Foot(Sectioned)53

1-126 腱鞘Tendinous Sheath54

1-125 肌的形态Morphology of Muscle54

1-127 面肌(前面)Facial Muscles(Anterior Aspect)55

1-128 面肌(外侧面)Facial Muscles(Lateral Aspect)55

1-129 颞肌和咬肌Temporalis and Masseter56

1-130 翼内、外肌Medial and Lateral Pterygoid56

1-131 颈阔肌Platysma57

1-132 颈肌(外侧面)Muscles of Neck(Lateral Aspect)57

1-133 舌骨肌群(1)Hyoid Muscles(1)58

1-134 舌骨肌群(2)Hyoid Muscles(2)58

1-135 口底肌(内后面)Muscles of Base of Oral Cavity(Internoposterior Aspect)59

1-136 颈深肌Deep Cervical Muscles59

1-137 斜角肌Scaleni59

1-138 背肌Muscles of Back60

1-139 胸、腹肌Muscles of Thorax and Abdomen61

1-142 膈肌(上面)Diaphragm(Upper Aspect)62

1-141 前锯肌Serratus Anterior62

1-140 胸肌Muscles of Thorax62

1-143 膈肌、腹后壁肌Diaphragm and Muscles of Posterior Abdominal Wall63

1-144 腹前外侧壁肌Muscles of Anterolateral Abdominal Wall63

1-145 上肢带肌(前面1)Muscles of Shoulder Girdle(Anterior Aspect 1)64

1-146 上肢带肌(前面2)Muscles of Shoulder Girdle(Anterior Aspect 2)64

1-147 上肢带肌(后面1)Muscles of Shoulder Girdle(Posterior Aspect 1)65

1-148 上肢带肌(后面2)Muscles of Shoulder Girdle(Posterior Aspect 2)65

1-149 上肢肌(前面)Muscles of Upper Limb(Anterior Aspect)66

1-150 上肢肌(后面)Muscles of Upper Limb(Posterior Aspect)66

1-151 前臂肌前群(1)Anterior Muscular Group of Forearm(1)67

1-152 前臂肌前群(2)Anterior Muscular Group of Forearm(2)67

1-153 旋肌Pronators67

1-154 前臂肌后群(浅层)Posterior Muscular Group of Forearm(Superficial Layer)68

1-155 前臂肌后群(深层)Posterior Muscular Group of Forearm(Deep Layer)68

1-157 手肌(2)Muscles of Hand(2)69

1-156 手肌(1)Muscles of Hand(1)69

1-158 手肌(3)Muscles of Hand(3)70

1-159 骨间掌侧肌Palmar interossei70

1-160 骨间背侧肌(后面)Dorsal Interossei(Posterior Aspect)70

1-161 下肢肌(前面)Muscles of Lower Limb(Anterior Aspect)71

1-162 下肢肌(后面)Muscles of Lower Limb(PosteriorAspect)71

1-163 髋肌(浅层)Muscles of Hip(Superficial Layer)72

1-164 髋肌(深层)Muscles of Hip(Deep Layer)72

1-165 闭孔内肌和梨状肌(内面)Obturator Internus and Piriformis(Internal Aspect)73

1-166 闭孔肌和梨状肌(外面)Obturators and Piriformis(External Aspect)73

1-167 股前内侧肌Muscles of Anteromedial Region of Thigh74

1-168 内收肌群Adductor Muscles75

1-169 大腿肌后群Posterior Muscular Group of Thigh75

1-170 小腿前外侧肌Muscles of Anterolateral Region of Leg76

1-171 小腿肌后群(1)Posterior Muscular Group of Leg(1)76

1-173 小腿肌后群(3)Posterior Muscular Group of Leg(3)77

1-172 小腿肌后群(2)Posterior Muscular Group of Leg(2)77

1-174 足背肌Dorsal Muscles of Foot78

1-175 足底肌(1)Plantar Muscles(1)78

1-176 足底肌(2)Plantar Muscles(2)79

1-177 足底肌(3)Plantar Muscles(3)79

第二部分 消化系统80

2-1 胸腹部标志线及分区Reference Lines of Thorax and Abdominal Regions80

2-2 消化系统全貌General Arrangement of Digestive System81

2-3 口腔及咽峡(活体)Oral Cavity and Pharyngeal Isthmus(In Vivo)82

2-4 乳牙与恒牙Deciduous and Permanent Teeth82

2-5 舌黏膜Lingual Mucous Membrane83

2-6 大唾液腺(外面)Major Salivary Glands(Lateral Aspect)83

2-7 下颌下腺和舌下腺(内面)Submandibular and Sublingual Glands(Internal Aspect)83

2-8 咽(矢状切面)Pharynx(Sagittal Section)84

2-9 咽前壁(后壁切开)Anterior Wall of Pharynx(Posterior Wall Was Opened)84

2-11 咽肌(外侧面)Muscles of Pharynx(Lateral Aspect)85

2-10 咽肌(后面)Muscles of Pharynx(Posterior Aspect)85

2-12 食管与胃Esophagus and Stomach86

2-13 腹腔器官(新生儿,原位)Organs ofAbdominal Cavity(Newborn,In Situ)86

2-14 胃(切面)Stomach(Sectioned)87

2-15 胃黏膜皱襞Mucosal Folds of Stomach87

2-16 胃壁肌层Muscular Layers of Stomach88

2-17 胃、十二指肠和胰Stomach,Duodenum and Pancreas88

2-18 小肠黏膜Mucous Membrane of Small Intestine89

2-19 空、回肠动脉弓Arterial Arches of Jejunum and Ileum89

2-20 回盲部(原位)Ileocecal Region(In Situ)90

2-21 回盲瓣和阑尾口Ileocecal Valve and Orifice of Vermiform Appendix90

2-22 结肠Colon90

2-23 直肠黏膜Mucous Membrane of Rectum90

2-25 肝膈面(2)Diaphragmatic Surface of Liver(2)91

2-24 肝膈面(1)Diaphragmatic Surface of Liver(1)91

2-26 肝脏面(1)Viseral Surface of Liver(1)92

2-27 肝脏面(2)Viseral Surface of Liver(2)92

2-28 肝内管道(脏面)Intrahepatic Canals(Visceral Surface)93

2-29 肝内管道铸型(膈面)Cast of Intrahepatic Canals(Diaphragmatic Surface)93

2-30 肝内管道铸型(脏面)Cast of Intrahepatic Canals(Visceral Surface)94

2-31 肝门静脉铸型Cast of Hepatic Portal Vein94

2-32 肝与肝外胆道(1)Liver and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts(1)95

2-33 肝与肝外胆道(2)Liver and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts(2)95

2-34 胰管和副胰管(前面)Pancreatic and Accessory Pancreatic Ducts(Anterior Aspect)96

2-35 胰管和胆总管开口(后面)Orifices ofPancreatic and Common Bile Ducts(Posterior Aspct)96

第三部分 呼吸系统97

3-1 呼吸系统全貌General Arrangement of Respiratory System97

3-2 鼻中隔Nasal Septum98

3-3 鼻腔外侧壁Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity98

3-4 鼻旁窦开口(金属线示之)Openings of Paranasal Sinuses(Showed by Wires)98

3-6 喉和气管(前面)Larynx and Trachea(Anterior Aspect)99

3-5 分离喉软骨Separated Laryngeal Cartilages99

3-7 喉软骨(外侧面)Laryngeal Cartilages(Lateral Aspect)100

3-8 喉软骨(后面)Laryngeal Cartilages(Posterior Aspect)100

3-9 喉软骨的连接(前面)Articulations of Laryngeal Cartilages(Anterior Aspect)101

3-10 喉软骨的连接(外侧面)Articulations ofLaryngeal Cartilages(Lateral Aspect)101

3-11 环甲肌Cricothyroid102

3-12 环杓后肌Posterior Cricoarytenoid102

3-13 喉肌(后面)Muscles of Larynx(Posterior Aspect)103

3-14 喉肌(外侧面)Muscles of Larynx(Lateral Aspect)103

3-15 喉腔(后壁切开)Laryngeal Cavity(Posterior Wall Was Opened)104

3-16 喉(矢状切面)Larynx(Sagittal Section)104

3-17 喉腔(后上面)Larngeal Cavity(Posterosuperior Aspect)105

3-18 气管和主支气管的毗邻Relations ofTrachea and Principal Bronchi105

3-19 喉、气管和支气管(前面)Larynx,Trachea and Bronchi(Anterior Aspect)106

3-20 气管和支气管铸型(前面)Cast of Trachea and Bronchi(Anterior Aspect)106

3-22 新生儿肺Lung of Newborn107

3-21 成人肺Adult Lung107

3-23 左肺(内侧面)Left Lung(Medial Surface)108

3-24 右肺(内侧面)Right Lung(Medial Surface)108

3-25 肺内管道铸型(前面)Cast of Intrapulmonary Canals(Anterior Aspect)109

3-26 肺内管道铸型(后面)Cast of Intrapulmonary Canals(Posterior Aspect)109

3-27 胸膜Pleura110

4-1 男性泌尿生殖器(原位)Male Urogenital Organs(In Situ)111

4-2 男性泌尿生殖器Male Urogenital Organs111

第四部分 泌尿系统111

4-3 女性泌尿生殖器(原位)Female Urogenital Organs(In Situ)112

4-4 女性泌尿生殖器Female Urogenital Organs112

4-5 肾与输尿管(前面)Kidney and Ureter(Anterior Aspect)113

4-6 肾的形态Morphology of Kidney113

4-7 肾的位置(前面)Position of Kidney(Anterior Aspect)114

4-8 肾的体表投影(后面)Surface Topography of Kidney(Posterior Aspect)114

4-9 肾的被膜Coverings of Kidney114

4-11 左肾动脉铸型Cast of Left Renal Artery115

4-10 肾的构造Structures of Kidney115

4-12 右肾血管铸型Cast of Right Renal Vessels116

4-13 输尿管、膀胱和男尿道Ureter,Urinary Bladder and Male Urethra116

4-14 膀胱的形态(左侧面)Morphology of Urinary Bladder(Left Aspect)117

4-15 膀胱三角Trigone of Bladder117

第五部分 生殖系统118

5-1 男性生殖器(原位)Male Genital Organs(In Situ)118

5-2 男性生殖器Male Genital Organs118

5-3 睾丸、附睾及睾丸鞘膜Testis,Epididymis and Tunica Vaginalis of Testis119

5-4 睾丸(切面)Testis(Sectioned)119

5-5 精囊、前列腺和尿道球腺(后面)Seminal Vesicle,Prostate and Bulbourethral Gland(Posterior Aspect)120

5-6 膀胱、精囊和前列腺(后面)Urinary Bladder,Seminal Vesicle and Prostate(Posterior Aspect)120

5-7 前列腺和阴茎Prostate and Penis121

5-8 睾丸、精索和阴茎Testis,Spermatic Cord and Penis121

5-9 男尿道Male Urethra121

5-11 女性生殖器(上面)Female Genital Organs(Superior Aspect)122

5-10 女性生殖器(原位)Female Genital Organs(In Situ)122

5-12 卵巢、输卵管、子宫和阴道(切开)Ovary,Uterine Tube,Uterus and Vagina(Opened)123

5-13 女阴Female Pudendum123

5-14 前庭球和前庭大腺Bulb of Vestibule and Greater Vestibular Gland124

5-15 乳腺Mammary Gland124

5-16 男性会阴肌Muscles of Male Perineum125

5-17 男性会阴肌、血管和神经Blood Vassels,Nerves and Muscles of Male Perineum125

5-18 女性会阴肌Muscles of Female Perineum126

5-19 女性会阴肌、血管和神经Blood Vassels,Nerves and Muscles of Female Perineum126

5-20 腹膜和腹膜腔(原位)Peritoneum and Perioneal Cavity(In Situ)127

5-21 腹膜结构Structures of Peritoneum127

第六部分 脉管系统128

6-1 心血管系统全貌General Arrangement of Cardiovascular System128

6-2 心的位置Position of Heart129

6-3 心的外形(前面)External Features of Heart(Anterior Aspect)129

6-5 心的外形(后下面)External Features of Heart(Posterointerior Aspect)130

6-4 心的前面(已除去心外膜和血管)Anterior Aspect of Heart(Epicardium and Blood Vessels Were Torn)130

6-7 心的外形(右后面)External Features of Heart(Rirht Posterior Aspect)131

6-6 心的后下面(已除去心外膜和血管)Posteroinferior Aspect of Heart(Epicardium and Blood Vessels Were Torn)131

6-8 心腔(切开)Cavity of Heart(Opened)132

6-9 右心房和右心室Right Atrium and Ventricle132

6-10 右心房Right Atrium133

6-11 右心室Right Ventricle133

6-12 左心房和左心室Left Atrium and Ventricle134

6-13 左心室流出道Outflow Tract of Left Ventricle134

6-14 心瓣膜Cardiac Valves135

6-15 心纤维性支架Fibrous Skeleton of Heart135

6-16 心壁(横切面,下面)Cardiac Wall(Transverse Section,Inferior Aspect)136

6-17 心室壁肌层Muscular Layers of Ventricular Wall136

6-18 左束支(左心室已打开)Left Bundle Branch(Left Ventricle Was Opend)137

6-19 Purkinje纤维网(左心室已打开)Network of Purkinje Fibers(Left Ventricle Was Opened)137

6-21 心的血管(前面,涂色)Vessels of Heart(Anterior Aspect,Painted)138

6-20 心的血管(前面)Vessels of Heart(Anterior Aspect)138

6-22 心的血管(后面)Vessels of Heart(Posterior Aspect)139

6-23 心的血管(后面,涂色)Vessels of Heart(Posterior Aspect,Painted)139

6-24 左冠状动脉Left Coronary Artery140

6-25 左冠状动脉心肌桥 Myocardial Bridge of Left Coronary Artery140

6-26 右冠状动脉心肌桥 Myocardial Bridge of Right Coronary Artery140

6-27 心的血管铸型(前面)Cast ofVessels of Heart(Anterior Aspect)141

6-28 心的血管铸型(后面)Cast of Vessels of Heart(Posterior Aspect)141

6-29 心和心包 Heart and Pericardium142

6-30 心包脏层后壁 Posterior Wall of Visceral Pericardium142

6-31 主动脉及其分支 Aorta and Its Branches143

6-32 心和主动脉(原位)Heart and Aorta(In Situ)144

6-33 颈外动脉及其分支 External Carotid Artery and Its Branches144

6-36 头臂干及其分支 Brachiocephalic Trunk and Its Branches145

6-35 脑膜中动脉 Middle Meningeal Artery145

6-34 上颌动脉 Maxillary Artery145

6-37 上肢的动脉(前面)Arterires of Upper Limb(Anterior Aspect)146

6-38 锁骨下动脉和腋动脉(1)Subclavian and Axillary Arteries(1)147

6-39 锁骨下动脉和腋动脉(2)Subclavian and Axillary Arteries(2)147

6-40 肱动脉及其分支 Brachial Artery and Its Branches148

6-41 前臂的动脉 Arteries of Forearm148

6-42 掌浅弓(尺动脉型)Superficial Palmar Arch(Ulnar Artery-Type)149

6-43 掌浅弓(桡尺动脉型)Superficial Palmar Arch(Ulnar and Radial Artery-Type)149

6-44 掌浅、深弓Superficial and Deep Palmar Arches150

6-45 手动脉铸型 Arterial Cast of Hand150

6-46 胸主动脉 Thoracic Aorta151

6-47 支气管、食管动脉(1)Bronchial and Esophageal Arteries(1)151

6-48 支气管、食管动脉(2)Bronchial and Esophageal Arteries(2)152

6-49 腹主动脉及其分支(女性)Abdominal Aorta and Its Branches(Female)152

6-51 腹主动脉不成对分支 Non-paired Branches of Abdominal Aorta153

6-50 副肾动脉 Accessory Renal Artery153

6-52 腹腔干及其分支(1)Celiac Trunk and Its Branches(1)154

6-53 腹腔干及其分支(2)Celiac Trunk and Its Branches(2)154

6-54 肠系膜上、下动脉 Superior and Inferior Mesenteric Arteries155

6-55 髂内动脉(男性,外侧面)Internal Iliac Artery(Male,Lateral Aspect)155

6-56 髂内动脉(男性,内侧面)Internal Iliac Artery(Male,Medial Aspect)156

6-57 髂内动脉(女性,内侧面)Internal Iliac Artery(Female,Medial Aspect)156

6-58 阴部内动脉 Internal Pudendal Artery157

6-59 直肠的动脉 Arteries of Rectum157

6-60 股血管 Femoral Blood Vessels158

6-61 股深动脉 Deep Femoral Artery158

6-62 腘动脉及其分支 Popliteal Artery and Its Branches159

6-63 小腿的动脉 Arteries of Leg159

6-64 足背的动脉 Dorsal Arteries of Foot160

6-65 足底的动脉Plantar Arteries of Foot160

6-68 上、下腔静脉的组成Composition of Superior and Inferior Vena Cavae161

6-66 静脉瓣Venous Valves161

6-67 板障静脉Diploic Veins161

6-69 头颈部的静脉(1)Veins of Head and Neck(1)162

6-70 头颈部的静脉(2)Veins of Head and Neck(2)162

6-71 头颈部的静脉(3)Veins of Head and Neck(3)163

6-72 面静脉及翼静脉丛Facial Vein and Pterygoid Venous Plexus163

6-73 手背静脉网Dorsal Venous Rete of Hand164

6-74 上肢浅静脉Superficial Veins of Upper Limb164

6-75 奇静脉系统Azygos Venous System164

6-76 足背静脉网Dorsal Venous Rete of Foot165

6-77 大隐静脉Great Saphenous Vein165

6-78 小隐静脉Small Saphenous Vein165

6-79 下腔静脉(原位)Inferior Vena Cava(In Situ)166

6-80 下腔静脉的脏支Visceral Tributaries of Inferior Vena Cava166

6-83 下腔静脉肝段和肝静脉(后面)Hepatic Part of Inferior Vena Cava and Hepatic Veins(Posterior Aspect)167

6-82 肝静脉(前面)Hepatic Veins(Anterior Aspect)167

6-81 腰静脉和腰升静脉Lumbar and Ascending Lumbar Veins167

6-84 肝门静脉及其属支Hepatic Portal Vein and Its Tributaries168

6-85 肝门静脉组成(原位)Composition of Hepatic Portal Vein(In Situ)168

6-86 乳糜池Cisterna Chyli169

6-87 胸导管Thoracic Duct169

6-88 深淋巴结Deep Lymph Nodes170

6-89 气管、支气管淋巴结Lymph Nodes of Trachea and Bronchi171

6-90 肠系膜淋巴结Mesenteric Lymph Nodes171

6-91 腹股沟浅淋巴结Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes172

6-92 脾(脏面、膈面)Spleen(Visceral and Diaphragmatic Surfaces)172

第七部分 感觉器官173

7-1 眼球的位置(上面)Position of Eyeball(Superior Aspect)173

7-2 眼球的外形(外侧面)External Features of Eyeball(Lateral Aspect)173

7-3 眼球壁(打开)Wall of Eyeball(Opened)174

7-4 眼球壁前部(内面)Anterior Part of Wall of Eyeball(Internal Aspect)174

7-6 视网膜(右眼,眼底镜所见)Retina(Right Eye,Under Ophthalmoscope)175

7-5 晶状体(牛眼,内面)Lens(Bovine Eyeball,Internal Aspect)175

7-7 眼副器(矢状切面)Accessory Organs of Eye(Sagittal Section)176

7-8 眼睑和结膜(活体)Eyelids and Conjunctiva(In Vivo)176

7-9 睑板与泪器Tarsi and Lacrimal Apparatus177

7-10 泪器Lacrimal Apparatus177

7-11 鼻泪管开口Orifice of Nasolacrimal Duct178

7-12 眼球外肌(冠状切面)Ocular Muscles(Coronal Section)178

7-13 眼球外肌(前面)Ocular Muscles(Anterior Aspect)179

7-14 眼球外肌(后上面)Ocular Muscles(Posterosuperior Aspect)179

7-15 眼球外肌(内侧面)Ocular Muscles(Medial Aspect)180

7-16 眼球外肌(外侧面)Ocular Muscles(Lateral Aspect)180

7-17 眼的动脉(上面)Arteries of Eye(Superior Aspect)181

7-18 眼的动脉(后上面)Arteries of Eye(Posterosuperiror Aspect)181

7-19 眼的神经(后上面)Nerves of Eye(Posterosuperior Aspect)182

7-20 眼的神经(上面)Nerves of Eye(Superior Aspect)182

7-22 耳的全貌Ear as a Whole183

7-21 眼的神经(外侧面)Nerves of Eye(Lateral Aspect)183

7-23 耳郭(活体)Auricle(In Vivo)184

7-24 耳郭软骨Cartilage of Auricle184

7-25 外耳道和鼓膜(前面)External Acoustic Meatus and Tympanic Membrane(Anterior Aspect)185

7-26 鼓膜和听小骨(内面)Tympanic Membrane and Auditory Ossicles(Internal Aspect)185

7-27 听小骨Auditory Ossicles185

7-28 鼓室壁(颞骨剖面)Walls of Tympanic Cavity(Section of Temporal Bone)186

7-29 鼓室壁Walls of Tympanic Cavity186

7-30 咽鼓管Auditory Tube187

7-31 骨迷路(原位,上面)Bony Labyrinth(In Situ,Superior Aspect)187

7-32 骨迷路(外面)Bony Labyrinth(External Aspect)188

7-33 骨迷路和内耳道底(后面)Bony Labyrinth and Fundus of Internal Acoustic Meatus(Posterior Aspect)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………188

7-34 内耳铸型(外侧面)Cast of Internal Ear(Lateral Aspect)189

7-35 内耳道的神经Nerves of Internal Acoustic Meatus189

8-1 神经系统(原位)Nervous System(In Situ)190

第八部分 神经系统190

8-2 脊髓和脊神经根Spinal Cord and Roots of Spinal Nerves191

8-3 马尾和终丝Cauda Equina and Filum Terminale192

8-4 脊髓节段和脊神经Segments of Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves192

8-5 脊髓节段与椎骨的对应关系Relation Between Segments of Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column………………………………………………………………………………-193

8-6 脊髓的内部结构(横切面)Internal Structures of Spinal Cord(Transverse Sections)194

8-7 脑及脑神经根(底面)Brain with Roots of Cranial Nerves(Basal Aspect)195

8-8 脑(正中矢状切面)Brain(Median Sagittal Section)195

8-9 脑(外侧面)Brain(Lateral Aspect)196

8-10 脑干(腹侧面)Brain Stem(Ventral Aspect)196

8-11 脑干和小脑(前下面)Brain Stem and Cerebellum(Anteroinferior Aspect)197

8-12 脑干和小脑(外侧面)Brain Stem and Cerebellum(Lateral Aspect)197

8-13 脑干(背侧面)Brain Stem(Dorsal Aspect)198

8-14 菱形窝Rhomboid Fossa198

8-16 脑干和小脑(正中矢状切面)Brain Stem and Cerebellum(Median Sagittal Section)199

8-15 第四脑室脉络丛(前面)Choroid Plexus of Fourth Ventricle(Anterior Aspect)199

8-17 脑干的内部结构(横切面)Internal Structures of BrainStem(Transverse Sections)200

8-18 小脑(前面)Cerebellum(Anterior Aspect)201

8-19 小脑(后面)Cerebellum(Posterior Aspect)201

8-20 小脑(上面)Cerebellum(Superior Aspect)202

8-21 小脑(下面)Cerebellum(Inferior Aspect)202

8-22 脑干和小脑(下面)Brain Stem and Cerebellum(Inferior Aspect)203

8-23 小脑的内部结构(上面)Internal Structures of Cerebellum(Superior Aspect)203

8-24 小脑的内部结构(横切面)Internal Structures of Cerebellum(Transverse Section)204

8-25 间脑(背侧面)Diencephalon(Dorsal Aspect)204

8-26 间脑(腹侧面)Diencephalon(Ventral Aspect)205

8-27 间脑(下面)Diencephalon(Inferior Aspect)205

8-28 间脑(正中矢状切面)Diencephalon(Median Sagittal Section)206

8-29 间脑(冠状切面)Diencephalon(Coronal Section)206

8-30 大脑半球(外侧面)Cerebral Hemisphere(Lateral Aspect)207

8-31 岛叶Insular Lobe207

8-33 大脑(上面)Cerebrum(Superior Aspect)208

8-32 大脑半球(内侧面)Cerebral Hemisphere(Medial Aspect)208

8-34 大脑(底面)Cerebrum(Basal Aspect)209

8-35 海马和穹隆(上面)Hippocampus and Fornix(Superior Aspect)209

8-36 海马和穹隆(外侧面)Hippocampus and Fornix(Lateral Aspect)210

8-37 端脑的内部结构(横切面)Internal Structures of Telencephalon(Transverse Section)210

8-38 基底核(背侧面)Basal Nuclei(Dorsal Aspect)211

8-39 基底核(外侧面)Basal Nuclei(Lateral Aspect)211

8-40 大脑半球的联络纤维Association Fibers of Cerebral Hemisphere212

8-41 投射纤维(外侧面)Projection Fibers(Lateral Aspect)212

8-42 侧脑室(横切面)Lateral Ventricle(Transverse Section)213

8-43 侧脑室脉络丛(上面)Choroid Plexus of Lateral Ventricle(Superior Aspect)213

8 44 脑室铸型Cast of Ventricles214

8-45 侧脑室铸型Cast of Lateral Ventricles214

8-46 脊神经Spinal Nerves215

8-48 颈丛及其分支Cervical Plexus and Its Branches216

8-47 颈丛Cervical Plexus216

8-49 膈神经Phrenic Nerve217

8-50 臂丛及其分支(1)Brachial Plexus and Its Branches(1)217

8-51 臂丛及其分支(2)Brachial Plexus and Its Branches(2)218

8-52 副、肩胛上、腋和桡神经(后面)Accessory,Suprascapular,Axillary and Radial Nerves(Posterior Aspect)218

8-53 上肢神经(前面)Nerves of Upper Limb(Anterior Aspect)219

8-54 手的神经(前面)Nerves of Hand(Anterior Aspect)220

8-55 手的神经(后面)Nerves of Hand(Posterior Aspect)220

8-56 胸神经前支Anterior Branches of Thoracic Nerves221

8-57 腰、骶丛的组成Composition of Lumbar and Sacral Plexus221

8-58 腰、骶丛及其分支Lumbar,Sacral Plexus and Their Branches222

8-59 臀部神经Nerves of Gluteal Region222

8-60 坐骨神经Sciatic Nerve223

8-61 胫神经及其分支Tibial Nerve and Its Branches224

8-62 腓总神经及其分支Common Peroneal Nerve and Its Branches224

8-64 足底的神经Nerves of Sole of Foot225

8-63 足背的神经Nerves of Dorsum of Foot225

8-65 脑的腹侧面(示脑神经连脑部位)Ventral Aspect of Brain(Showing the Attachment of Cranial Nerves)226

8-66 颅底内面(示脑神经出颅部位)Internal Aspect of Skull Base(Showing the Cranial Nerves Passing Through the Skull)226

8-67 脑神经全貌(原位)Whole View of Cranial Nerves(In Situ)227

8-68 眶内神经Nerves in Orbit227

8-69 三叉神经及其分支Trigeminal Nerve and Its Branches228

8-70 翼腭、耳神经节(内侧面)Pterygopalatine and Otic Ganglia(Medial Aspect)228

8-71 面神经的分支Branches of Facial Nerve229

8-72 Ⅸ~Ⅻ对脑神经Cranial Nerves(Ⅸ-Ⅻ)229

8-73 内脏神经Visceral Nerves230

8-74 脑、脊髓及其被膜(原位)Brain,Spinal Cord and Their Meninges(In Situ)231

8-75 脊髓的被膜(后面)Meninges of Spinal Cord(Posterior Aspect)232

8-76 脊髓的被膜(前外侧面)Meninges of Spinal Cord(Anterolateral Aspect)232

8-77 硬脑膜Cerebral Dura Mater233

8-78 蛛网膜粒(上面)Arachnoid Granulations(Superior Aspect)233

8-80 大脑中、后动脉(底面)Middle and Posterior Cerebral Arteries(Basal Aspect)234

8-79 脑的动脉(底面)Arteries of Brain(Basal Aspect)234

8-81 脑的动脉(上面)Arteries of Brain(Superior Aspect)235

8-82 脑的动脉(外侧面)Arteries of Brain(Lateral Aspect)235

8-83 大脑中动脉Middle Cerebral Artery236

8-84 脑的动脉(正中矢状切面)Arteries of Brain(Median Sagittal Section)236

8-85 大脑前、后动脉(内侧面)Anterior and Posterior Cerebral Arteries(Medial Aspect)237

8-86 大脑浅静脉(1)Superficial Cerebral Veins(1)237

8-88 大脑深静脉Deep Cerebral Veins238

8-87 大脑浅静脉(2)Superficial Cerebral Veins(2)238

第九部分 内分泌器官239

9-1 内分泌器官(原位)Endocrine Organs(In Situ)239

9-2 垂体(冠状切面)Hypophysis(Coronal Section)240

9-3 垂体和松果体(矢状切面)Hypophysis and Pineal Body(Sagittal Section)240

9-4 甲状腺(前面)Thyroid Gland(Anterior Aspect)241

9-5 甲状腺和甲状旁腺(后面)Thyroid Gland and Parathyroid Glands(Posterior Aspect)241

9-6 肾上腺(原位)Suprarenal Glands(In Situ)242

9-7 肾上腺Suprarenal Glands242
