算法设计手册 第2版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (德)斯基恩纳著 著
- 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
- ISBN:9787302207276
- 出版时间:2009
- 标注页数:707页
- 文件大小:338MB
- 文件页数:723页
- 主题词:电子计算机-算法设计-高等学校-教材-英文
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Ⅰ Practical Algorithm Design1
1 Introduction to Algorithm Design3
1.1 Robot Tour Optimization5
1.2 Selecting the Right Jobs9
1.3 Reasoning about Correctness11
1.4 Modeling the Problem19
1.5 About the War Stories22
1.6 War Story:Psychic Modeling23
1.7 Exercises27
2 Algorithm Analysis31
2.1 The RAM Model of Computation31
2.2 The Big Oh Notation34
2.3 Growth Rates and Dominance Relations37
2.4 Working with the Big Oh40
2.5 Reasoning About Efficiency41
2.6 Logarithms and Their Applications46
2.7 Properties of Logarithms50
2.8 War Story:Mystery of the Pyramids51
2.9 Advanced Analysis54
2.10 Exercises57
3 Data Structures65
3.1 Contiguous vs.Linked Data Structures66
3.2 Stacks and Queues71
3.3 Dictionaries72
3.4 Binary Search Trees77
3.5 Priority Queues83
3.6 War Story:Stripping Triangulations85
3.7 Hashing and Strings89
3.8 Specialized Data Structures93
3.9 War Story:String'em Up94
3.10 Exercises98
4 Sorting and Searching103
4.1 Applications of Sorting104
4.2 Pragmatics of Sorting107
4.3 Heapsort:Fast Sorting via Data Structures108
4.4 War Story:Give me a Ticket on an Airplane118
4.5 Mergesort:Sorting by Divide-and-Conquer120
4.6 Quicksort:Sorting by Randomization123
4.7 Distribution Sort:Sorting via Bucketing129
4.8 War Story:Skiena for the Defense131
4.9 Binary Search and Related Algorithms132
4.10 Divide-and-Conquer135
4.11 Exercises139
5 Graph Traversal145
5.1 Flavors of Graphs146
5.2 Data Structures for Graphs151
5.3 War Story:I was a Victim of Moore's Law155
5.4 War Story:Getting the Graph158
5.5 Traversing a Graph161
5.6 Breadth-First Search162
5.7 Applications of Breadth-First Search166
5.8 Depth-First Search169
5.9 Applications of Depth-First Search172
5.10 Depth-First Search on Directed Graphs178
5.11 Exercises184
6 Weighted Graph Algorithms191
6.1 Minimum Spanning Trees192
6.2 War Story:Nothing but Nets202
6.3 Shortest Paths205
6.4 War Story:Dialing for Documents212
6.5 Network Flows and Bipartite Matching217
6.6 Design Graphs,Not Algorithms222
6.7 Exercises225
7 Combinatorial Search and Heuristic Methods230
7.1 Backtracking231
7.2 Search Pruning238
7.3 Sudoku239
7.4 War Story:Covering Chessboards244
7.5 Heuristic Search Methods247
7.6 War Story:Only it is Not a Radio260
7.7 War Story:Annealing Arrays263
7.8 Other Heuristic Search Methods266
7.9 Parallel Algorithms267
7.10 War Story:Going Nowhere Fast268
7.11 Exercises270
8 Dynamic Programming273
8.1 Caching vs.Computation274
8.2 Approximate String Matching280
8.3 Longest Increasing Sequence289
8.4 War Story:Evolution of the Lobster291
8.5 The Partition Problem294
8.6 Parsing Context-Free Grammars298
8.7 Limitations of Dynamic Programming:TSP301
8.8 War Story:What's Past is Prolog304
8.9 War Story:Text Compression for Bar Codes307
8.10 Exercises310
9 Intractable Problems and Approximation Algorithms316
9.1 Problems and Reductions317
9.2 Reductions for Algorithms319
9.3 Elementary Hardness Reductions323
9.4 Satisfiability328
9.5 Creative Reductions330
9.6 The Art of Proving Hardness334
9.7 War Story:Hard Against the Clock337
9.8 War Story:And Then I Failed339
9.9 P vs.NP341
9.10 Dealing with NP-complete Problems344
9.11 Exercises350
10 How to Design Algorithms356
Ⅱ The Hitchhiker's Guide to Algorithms361
11 A Catalog of Algorithmic Problems363
12 Data Structures366
12.1 Dictionaries367
12.2 Priority Queues373
12.3 Suffix Trees and Arrays377
12.4 Graph Data Structures381
12.5 Set Data Structures385
12.6 Kd-Trees389
13 Numerical Problems393
13.1 Solving Linear Equations395
13.2 Bandwidth Reduction398
13.3 Matrix Multiplication401
13.4 Determinants and Permanents404
13.5 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization407
13.6 Linear Programming411
13.7 Random Number Generation415
13.8 Factoring and Primality Testing420
13.9 Arbitrary-Precision Arithmetic423
13.10 Knapsack Problem427
13.11 Discrete Fourier Transform431
14 Combinatorial Problems434
14.1 Sorting436
14.2 Searching441
14.3 Median and Selection445
14.4 Generating Permutations448
14.5 Generating Subsets452
14.6 Generating Partitions456
14.7 Generating Graphs460
14.8 Calendrical Calculations465
14.9 Job Scheduling468
14.10 Satisfiability472
15 Graph Problems:Polynomial-Time475
15.1 Connected Components477
15.2 Topological Sorting481
15.3 Minimum Spanning Tree484
15.4 Shortest Path489
15.5 Transitive Closure and Reduction495
15.6 Matching498
15.7 Eulerian Cycle/Chinese Postman502
15.8 Edge and Vertex Connectivity505
15.9 Netwcrk Flow509
15.10 Drawing Graphs Nicely513
15.11 Drawing Trees517
15.12 Planarity Detection and Embedding520
16 Graph Problems:Hard Problems523
16.1 Clique525
16.2 Independent Set528
16.3 Vertex Cover530
16.4 Traveling Salesman Problem533
16.5 Hamiltonian Cycle538
16.6 Graph Partition541
16.7 Vertex Coloring544
16.8 Edge Coloring548
16.9 Graph Isomorphism550
16.10 Steiner Tree555
16.11 Feedback Edge/Vertex Set559
17 Computational Geometry562
17.1 Robust Geometric Primitives564
17.2 Convex Hull568
17.3 Triangulation572
17.4 Voronoi Diagrams576
17.5 Nearest Neighbor Search580
17.6 Range Search584
17.7 Point Location587
17.8 Intersection Detection591
17.9 Bin Packing595
17.10 Medial-Axis Transform598
17.11 Polygon Partitioning601
17.12 Simplifying Polygons604
17.13 Shape Similarity607
17.14 Motion Planning610
17.15 Maintaining Line Arrangements614
17.16 Minkowski Sum617
18 Set and String Problems620
18.1 Set Cover621
18.2 Set Packing625
18.3 String Matching628
18.4 Approximate String Matching631
18.5 Text Compression637
18.6 Cryptography641
18.7 Finite State Machine Minimization646
18.8 Longest Common Substring/Subsequence650
18.9 Shortest Common Superstring654
19 Algorithmic Resources657
19.1 Software Systems657
19.2 Data Sources663
19.3 Online Bibliographic Resources663
19.4 Professional Consulting Services664
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