
中国大地构造 数据、地图与演化 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

中国大地构造 数据、地图与演化 英文版
  • TianfengWan著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040295344
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:501页
  • 文件大小:106MB
  • 文件页数:513页
  • 主题词:大地构造-研究-中国-英文


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中国大地构造 数据、地图与演化 英文版PDF格式电子书版下载


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1 Introduction1

1.1 Tectonic Events3

1.2 Universal Tectonic Events?4

1.3 Determination of Tectonic Events in the Chinese Continent7

1.4 Research Principles and Methods for Interpreting Tectonic Events9

1.4.1 The Rock Record9

1.4.2 The Geometry of Rock Deformation10

1.4.3 The Kinematics of Blocks12

1.4.4 The Dynamics of Block Deformation18

1.4.5 The Chronology of Deformation21


2 Tectonics of Archean and Paleoproterozoic(Before 1.8Ga)27

2.1 The Eoarchean(EA,4.6-3.6Ga)27

2.2 Tectonics from Paleoarchean to Neoarchean(PA-NA,3.6-2.5Ga)30

2.3 Tectonics of the Paleoproterozoic(PP,2.5-1.8Ga,Lüliang Period)38

2.4 Discussion of the Thickness of Continental Crust in the Archean and Paleoproterozoic44


3 Tectonics of the Mesoproterozoic,Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian (1.8Ga-513Ma)51

3.1 Tectonics of the Mesoproterozoic(1,800-1,000 Ma,Changcheng Period-Jixianian Period)52

3.2 Tectonics of the Qingbaikou Period(1,000-800Ma)61

3.3 Tectonics of the Nanhua Period(800-680Ma)67

3.4 Tectonics of the Sinian Period-Early Cambrian Epoch(680-513Ma)70

3.5 Chinese Continental Blocks in Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Global Evolution75


4 Tectonics of Middle Cambrian-Early Devonian(The Qilian Tectonic Period,513-397Ma)87

4.1 Sedimentation,Paleogeography and Paleontology88

4.2 Palaeomagnetism and Palaeotectonic Reconstruction95

4.3 Rock Deformation,Metamorphism and Stress Field100

4.4 Magmatism and Rates of Plate Movement108

4.5 Division of Tectonic Units in Early Paleozoic112


5 Tectonics of Middle Devonian-Middle Permian(The Tianshan Tectonic Period,397-260Ma)121

5.1 Sedimentation,Paleogeography and Paleontology121

5.2 Paleomagnetism and Paleotectonic Reconstruction127

5.3 Rock Deformation,Metamorphism and Stress Field132

5.4 Magmatism and Rates of Plate Movement136

5.5 Tectonics and Plate Movement from the Mesoproterozoic to the Paleozoic140


6 Tectonics of Late Permian-Triassic(The Indosinian Tectonic Period,260-200Ma)149

6.1 Sedimentary Paleogeography150

6.2 Collision Tectonics152

6.3 Intraplate Deformation158


7 Tectonics of Jurassic-Early Epoch of Early Cretaceous(The Yanshanian Tectonic Period,200-135Ma)173

7.1 Movement and Rotation of Chinese Continent175

7.2 Intraplate Deformation and the Stress Field177

7.3 Tectono-magmatism in Crust185


8 Tectonics of Middle Epoch of Early Cretaceous-Paleocene(The Sichuanian Tectonic Period,135-56Ma)197

8.1 Intraplate Deformation and the Stress Field198

8.2 Tectono-magmatism205

8.3 Formation of the Bangongco-Nujiang Collision Zone and Northward Movement of the Plates210


9 Tectonics of Eocene-Oligocene(The North Sinian Tectonic Period,56-23Ma)217

9.1 Intraplate Deformation,Stress Field and Magmatism218

9.2 Development of the Eastern Basins and Accumulations of Oil and Gas227

9.3 Formation of the Western Pacific Subduction Zone and Yarlung Zangbo Collision Zone230


10 Tectonics of Miocene-Early Pleistocene(The Himalayan Tectonic Period,23-0.78Ma)239

10.1 Thin-skinned Tectonics,the Formation of the Himalayan Thrust Zone and the Uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau239

10.2 Intraplate Deformation,Extension and Dispersion in Eastern China247

10.3 Formation of Giant Step in Landscape and Extension Basins in Continental Margin254


11 Tectonics of Middle Pleistocene-Holocene(The Neotectonic Period,since 0.78Ma)265

11.1 Intraplate Deformation and Recent Tectonic Stress Field265

11.2 The Influence of Recent Tectonic Stress Field on the Earthquakes,Resources and Environment273

11.3 Dynamic Mechanism of the Recent Tectonic Stress Field283


12 Characteristics and Mechanisms of Chinese Continental Tectonics291

12.1 Characteristics,Influence Factor and Mechanism of Intraplate Deformation291

12.2 Extension Tectonics and Mechanism of Basin Forming297

12.3 Characteristics of Collision Tectonics300

12.4 Characteristics and Problems of Strike-slip Tectonics304

12.5 On the Types of Continental Crust307


13 Tectonics and the Thermal Regime in the Chinese Continental Lithosphere315

13.1 Characteristics of the Crust of the Chinese Continent and Its Adjacent Area315

13.2 Lithosphere Characteristics of the Chinese Continent and Its Adjacent Area318

13.3 Lithosphere Transformation(Thickness Thinning)of East China—Hypothesis of Rotation and Detachment of the Upper Crust324

13.4 The Thermal Regime in the Crust and Discussion on the Mantle Plumes328


14 Mineralization and Tectonics in China339

14.1 Main Epochs and Belts of Mineralization340

14.2 Rock Deformation Influencing Mineralization348

14.3 Intraplate Extension Mineralization352

14.4 On the Tectonics and Prospect of Mineral Resources354


15 Discussion on the Dynamic Mechanism of Global Tectonics363

15.1 Review of Hypotheses about Global Tectonic Dynamics363

15.2 Progress of Plate Tectonics366

15.3 On the Hypothesis of Mantle Plume371

15.4 On the Hypothesis of Meteorite Impact375



Appendix 1 Tectonic Data about Archean and Paleoproterozoic385

Appendix 1.1 Rock formation time,temperature,pressure,depth and geothermal gradient in Archean385

Appendix 1.2 Block motion velocity in the Chinese continent of Archean(32-25Ga)388

Appendix 1.3 Rock formation age,temperature,pressure,depth and geothermal gradient in Paleoproterozoic388

Appendix 1.4 Deformation velocity in continental plate During Lüliang period(2.5-1.8Ga),Paleoproterozoic390

Appendix 1.5 Estimated thickness for Archean-Paleoproterozoic continental crust in Chinese plate391

References for Appendix 1392

Appendix 2 Thickness and Forming Velocity of Sedimentary Strata of Chinese Continent394

References for Appendix 2395

Appendix 3 Data of Folding and Principal Stress Axes of Chinese Continental Tectonic Events396

Appendix 3.1 Data of folding and principal stress axes of Qingbaikou Period(1,000-800Ma)396

Appendix 3.2 Data of folding and principal stress axis of Qilianian Period(513-397Ma)397

Appendix 3.3 Data of folding and principal stress axis of Tianshanian Period(397-260Ma)399

Appendix 3.4 Data of folding and principal stress axis of Indosinian Period(260-200Ma)399

Appendix 3.5 Data of folding and principal stress axis of Yanshanian Period(200-135Ma)401

Appendix 3.6 Data of folding and principal stress axis of Sichuanian Period(135-56Ma)402

Appendix 3.7 Data of folding and principal stress axis of North Sinian Period(56-23Ma)403

Appendix 3.8 Data of folding and principal stress axis of Himalayan Period(23-0.78Ma)403

References for Appendix 3404

Appendix 4 Differential Stress Magnitude of Chinese Continent in Mesozoic-Cenozoic405

Appendix 4.1 Indosinian Tectonic Period405

Appendix 4.2 Yanshanian Tectonic Period405

Appendix 4.3 Sichuanian Tectonic Period405

Appendix 4.4 North Sinian Tectonic Period406

Appendix 4.5 Himalayan Tectonic Period406

Appendix 4.6 Following data are the differential stresses determined from the inclusion of mantle in Himalayan Period407

Appendix 4.7 Following data are the recent differential stresses determined by hydrofracturing test407

References for Appendix 4407

Appendix 5 Intraplate Deformation Velocity of Tectonic Periods in Chinese Continent Since Mesoproterozoic409

Appendix 5.1 Intraplate deformation velocity of Mesoproterozoic(1.8-1.0Ga)409

Appendix 5.2 Intraplate deformation velocity of Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian(1.0Ga-513Ma)410

Appendix 5.3 Intraplate deformation velocity of Qilianian Period(513-397Ma)411

Appendix 5.4 Intraplate deformation velocity of Tianshanian Period(397-260Ma)413

Appendix 5.5 Intraplate deformation velocity of Indosinian Period(260-200Ma)416

Appendix 5.6 Intraplate deformation velocity of Yanshanian Period(200-135Ma)417

Appendix 5.7 Intraplate deformation velocity of Sichuanian Period(135-56Ma)419

Appendix 5.8 Intraplate deformation velocity of North Sinian Period(56-23Ma)420

Appendix 5.9 Intraplate deformation velocity of Himalayan Period(23-0.78Ma)421

Appendix 5.10 Intraplate deformation velocity of Neotectonic Period(since 0.78Ma)422

Appendix 5.11 Plate deformation velocity(crn/yr)in recent,according to the data of GPS(362 stations) and earthquake moment(after Zhang PZ et al.,2002)423

References for Appendix 5423

Appendix 6 Paleomagnetic Data of Chinese Continent and Its Adjacent Area424

References for Appendix 6430

Appendix 7 Temperature,Pressure,Depth and Thermal Gradient in Rock Forming Stages of China Continent434

References for Appendix 7474

